Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, October 27, 2013
He is the lie itself!
- Message No. 322 -

My child. My dear child. I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, am here with you to say the following to all Our children: Convert, My beloved children, for you do not have much time left. The situation on your earth will come to a head and the Antichrist will not wait long to achieve his goals. Together with the false prophet he will spread lies and anyone who talks against their mouth they will "eliminate". This will happen in many different ways, but know that as soon as you express even negative criticism of them, you will be "blacklisted," meaning they will keep an eye on you, and if necessary, you will lose your jobs or even have your life threatened.
My children. Never be afraid, because at any time and in any situation, We are with you. Always turn to Us, so you will remain protected and your soul pure. Seek out opportunities for confession so that no sin may be upon you and always be ready to go with Jesus, My Son.
He will save all faithful children, and not a single one will be lost. He will care for each one of you, but you must give Him your YES and ask Him to do this for you, because only with your consent He will intervene, only when you call Him, He will enter your life. Then HE will take care of you, guide you and teach you. HE guides you and HE is there for you.
My children. My so beloved children. Do not be afraid when the wars escalate soon and remain faithful to your Jesus. The Antichrist sends much suffering ahead until he then, putting himself in scene, enters the stage of the world, your world, as a good and peaceful man. He sends these wars ahead to be able to appear in splendor and to make you believe that he is the one who brings good and peace.
My children. Be warned, for it is not so. He only brings suffering and stirs up hatred among you, even if it does not seem so on the surface. He plays with you and makes you dance like puppets, and so many will cheer, worship and lie at his feet!
My children. Watch out! For he who is coming is nothing other than evil itself. It is the son of the root of evil, and never will he be benevolent to you. Therefore, do not fall for him, for he is cold as stone and without heart, that is,he feels no love, but knows all the tricks and traps to lead the children of God "behind the light." So be warned and do not fall for him. His charm is calculating, his words thoughtful, and his benevolence deceitful. He is the lie itself, and everything he beautifully talks, shows and seduces you is for one purpose only: to capture your soul, steal it and push it into the lake of fire so that Satan will be victorious and rule the world and you, but that will never be.
So always, even in these difficult and so confusing times, full of lies, remain faithful to My Son, for HE will come to defeat the beast, and the false prophet and the Antichrist will be thrust into the lake of fire and with them those who pay homage to the beast.
All souls must have converted at that time, for those who have refused their YES to Jesus will be carried away.
My children. Keep your eyes and ears open and prepare your heart for Jesus. Pray and ask for the clarity of the Holy Spirit and for His purity and love in you, in your heart, so that you may stay awake and discern and be faithful to My Son.
I love you. Hold on!
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children.
"I will come. Your Jesus."
Source: ➥