Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Much suffering you can avert if you pray at these times! Three dark days will come for which you must be prepared!
- Message No. 306 -

My child. My dear child. Enjoy the time you have left and carry joy in your hearts. The last days of your earth are too precious, so enjoy your togetherness, enjoy ventures and enjoy the time you spend together.
I love you, My so beloved children, and rejoice over you, your faithfulness, your prayers, your love for Me, for My Son, God the Father and the Holy Spirit, to whom more and more of Our children entrust themselves. This trust is so extremely important, because it helps you through this time of darkness, confusion and from the snares of evil.
Do not be deceived, for with every deception the devil tries to take possession of you, your soul and your heart, with every misstep he believes he is getting closer to his goal of dominating you, but through your trust in Us you do not get caught in Satan's ever tightening snares and thus do not become prey for him to pounce upon.
My children. Remain faithful to My Son! Trust! Believe! And enjoy what you have! I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, rejoice in your joy, I am happy when I see you happy, and I help you where you need help and ask Me for it!
So I also ask you to continue to pray for Me, because My desecration will not stop for a long time. Be vigilant at night when We call you, and enter into prayer for Us. You stop so much of the evil that is being done to Me, your Mother in Heaven, stop the outrages that are being carried out against My Son, and stop the satanic masses that are being held at night and are ever directed against Us at Our times, but at night.
Much suffering you can avert if you pray at these times, for nothing works more powerfully than your prayer against these evils and abominations that Satan's followers celebrate in these masses. So be ready for Our call, for in this way We can avert much of the planned evil.
My children. I love you. From the depths of My Sacred Mother's Heart, and I promise you that the time of tribulation will soon be over. Be patient and prove your faithfulness to Us, for this is how Jesus will take you to His New Kingdom when the time comes.
I love you.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children, with the consent of God the Father, Creator of all being.
"My children. Be ready at all times, for your prayer is greatly needed now. Get ready for Our call and follow it with prayer. I, your Jesus, thank you very much and promise you that the time of dark days will not last long.
Have faith and remain faithful to Me, for in this way I will be able to free you from the ever-increasing dominion of Satan.
Never be afraid, for I will come and I will conquer, and I will take all faithful children with Me into My New Kingdom, for so great is My love for you that not one faithful child will be lost.
I love you with all My Divine Love.
Your Jesus.
Savior of all God's children."
"Amen, I say this to you: Whoever does not repent, whoever does not confess My Son, whoever continues to think only of himself and his advantage, will not be saved.
The gates of heaven will remain closed to him, and the New Kingdom of My Son will not become his home.
Therefore, I say to you: Turn back while you can, for soon My Son will come, high in the sky with all the signs, and the final battle will be fought. Three dark days will come for which you must be prepared, for I, your Father in Heaven, will use those days for the last of all purifications.
Devils (note: demons) will roam around and catch your souls, therefore lock yourselves in your houses and do not open windows or doors to anyone, for the devils are cunning and imitate voices of people known to you in order to deceive you and enter your houses.
Only those who have prepared themselves will survive these days, for it will be a hard test. You must stay in your homes and not give in to curiosity, but immersed in prayer you must be with your loved ones.
Have candles ready, consecrated candles and have water and bread in the house. Prepare everything for these 3 days, because they will be the last of your days on earth. Whoever survives them will go with Jesus and the 1000 year peace will be his. You will have it nice, be greatly rewarded, because this is My promise to you for a long time.
But be warned, for these 3 days will be terrible and utterly horrible. Always have faith and your holy objects with you, for this will be your protection. My seal will protect you, for you wear it on your forehead. But you must not be overconfident and must follow My instructions, for whoever ventures out will fall prey to the devils.
So be ready for these days and prepare your soul for Jesus, for it is HE who will save you,for His love for you is so great.
So be it.
Your Almighty Father in heaven.
Creator of all God's children and Creator of all being.
"The LORD has spoken, so prepare yourselves. Listen to what HE has said and follow His call. I, the angel of the LORD, tell you. Amen. An angel of the Lord."
Source: ➥