Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Be warned!
- Message No. 298 -

My child. My dear child. What I want to tell you today is of extraordinary importance.
My children. Be warned. The evil one is now lashing out and destroying everything and whoever stands in his way. Be warned, for the false prophet is playing evil. Hear and see and do not fall for his nasty deeds. He does not love you. He is dishonest. He is driven by evil to destroy the children of God and to eradicate all that comes from heaven.
You are now beginning to see the outrages worldwide, for they are happening in your midst. Our believing children will be divided, and discord and strife will be kindled among them. My children. Be warned! Do not get entangled in the lies of those who are possessed by the devil, for they bring nothing good with them! You will be exterminated and thrown to the devil, because the adversary has only this one goal: to steal as many souls as possible to stand there as victors over man and earth!
My children. Pay attention! The false prophet is now implementing the evil plans. Listen to what he says and see what he does, for he is "playing" with you and leading you astray! Your holy objects now disappear more and more from you, because they remove them from your life. On the other hand, you are presented with devil's stuff, veiled in the guise of good!
But whoever listens carefully and looks closely will discover the lies, see the false and expose the evil, but you MUST open your eyes and ears, because whoever does not care, whoever accepts everything like this, will be lost in the veils of fog of the devil.
My children. So be warned and remain faithful to My Son, for only those who remain faithful to HIM will come through these difficult and so confusing times unscathed. So be it.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all the children of God.
Source: ➥