Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, September 30, 2013
Whoever does not listen to Us now will doubt at the moment of decision!
- Message No. 290 -

My child. My dear child. Be sure that We will give you many more beautiful moments until the arrival, the departure to the New Kingdom of My Son, because whoever is faithful to Us will be well in heart and soul, and for him We will take care. My child. Now, when the promised time dawns, Our children must be prepared and this happens only when they respond to Our call. How will you, who do not care about Our Word, hear Us and take Us seriously when now the prophesied events will come to pass? Whoever does not listen to Us now will doubt at the moment of decision, and these doubts can cause the devil to take possession of your soul! Be warned, therefore, and prepare yourselves, for otherwise you may be lost and will never know the New Kingdom of My Son. My children. Heaven united is at your side. Call to Us and We will come. Pray to Us, and We will hear you! Ask Us, and We will help you! Come and prepare now, for then you will be prepared for the promised time and Jesus will guide you through all the dark days. I love you so much. Your mother in heaven. Mother of all God's children. "Listen to what My Mother says, for Her word is holy. Amen. Your loving Jesus. Savior of all God's children." "Amen, I say this to you: Whoever does not find his way to Me in time, does not accept Me as THE ONE WHO I AM, does not honor Me and tramples Me underfoot, his soul will be lost and 1000 years of suffering will await him. But whoever comes to Me, who loves Me, who is faithful to Me and honors Me, he will go with Me, and 1000 years of peace will be with him.
So come, My beloved flock of children, and give Me your YES, for then you will not perish, but enter into the glory of the Lord. So be it. Amen.
I love you.
Your Jesus."
Source: ➥