Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, September 20, 2013
Horror will overtake your world with unprecedented speed!
- Message No. 280 -

My child. My dear child. I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, am always here with you, no matter what may happen on your so wonderful earth. We, Heaven united, protect you and your loved ones.
My child. Alas, alas, alas, I must also give you this fearful message today, for God the Father wants you to still have time to prepare before now the worst will come to pass.
The war announced to you by other seers will come, My child, and it will be terrible and horrible. Many innocent children of God will succumb to it and die, but their souls will be saved by My Son.
My children. Prepare yourselves, for the horror will overtake your world with unprecedented speed, and you must be pure in heart and soul.
My children, My children so beloved by Me. I, your Mary, loving you so much and from the depths of My Sacred Mother's Heart, eternal Virgin and Mother of the Only True Son of God, must bring you this sad news. It tears My Heart, which loves you so much, as it also deeply upsets My Son, your Holy Jesus, and puts Him in great sorrow.
My children. Be ready for the gates of heaven, for all of you who must innocently depart from this life, by the hand and evil deeds of the evil one who now wants to usurp final power over you and your earth, will be accompanied by My Son and will be led into the Kingdom of Our Lord and Father.
Keep faithful to Jesus and pray, pray, pray, for prayer can still change so much! It will mitigate the worst evil, and it will still convert many souls. You save your soul as well as the soul of your fellow brothers and sisters by praying devotedly and in love to Us.
My children. My so beloved children. I so much wish I could bring you another message, a joyful and promising one, but the only promise I bring you today is that My Son is with the innocent, will save and lift them up and they may enter the Father's Kingdom of Heaven.
Believe and trust and pray your Holy Rosaries. The more you pray, the more good spreads over evil, i.e. all evil becomes milder, it is weakened and sometimes even kept away.
Therefore, My faithful children: pray the prayers that We give you in these and other messages, and remain faithful to My Son. Pray your rosaries also especially during the nights, because it is then when most satanic masses are held, and with each rosary you weaken and prevent the evil intentions of these satan worshippers.
If enough children pray, you will manage to withstand these masses and prevent their intentions. Therefore, My children, pray and never doubt the greatness, the strength and the mercy of My Son.
I love you.
Your Mother in heaven.
Mother of all the children of God.
"Be sure, My innocent hearts, that you will be lifted up and I, your Jesus, will bring you to My Father, should the evil hand strike you and want to destroy you.
I love you. It pains My Sacred Heart not to be able to spare you this suffering.
Your Jesus, who is always with you. Amen."
Go, My child, and recharge your batteries (at the Cross). Amen.
Our Lady: "It is My Holy Rosary that will conquer evil."
"Believe and trust. For it will be so. Your Jesus. The Rosary of My Mother is holy. Whoever prays it will be guided. We will be with him and bestow graces on him. Now pray, My children, for only in this way will you stop the evil that threatens to overtake your world and weaken much of what is/will be planned. Amen.
So be it.
I love you. Your Jesus."
On the cross: "How you can stop war: through prayer. Prayer alone has the power to change the hearts of all mankind. Where the heart is changed and love enters, evil must give way. Therefore, My children, pray! Pray for all God's children and pray for all those in responsible positions, because when your "leaders", your rulers, are flooded with love, there will be no more strife, hatred and war. Therefore, pray, pray, pray. Only in this way will you mitigate the planned atrocities and the culling and slaughter of innocent souls.
Amen. Antoni MC."
Source: ➥