Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Where the source of love is at home, there you will be well.
- Message No. 276 -

My child. My dear child. Beautiful will be your time in the New Kingdom of My Son, for there, where sin does not exist, love is at home, there, where there is nothing evil among you, lives the everlasting peace of Our Lord.
My children. You must convert, for only with a pure heart and a purified soul will you be allowed to enter this wonderful kingdom. Whoever closes himself off from My Son, does not give Him the honor due to HIM and does not acknowledge HIM as THE ONE WHO HE IS, this wonderful world will remain closed to him, because he closes himself off from it.
He will fall into fear and suffering, for only the way to hell will show itself to him, and this he will have to go, for the world in which you live will come to an end, and whoever does not confess My Son, only the devil remains as the last place of his existence.
My children. My children so loved by Me. Save yourselves! Give your soul the salvation it needs! Give it peace! Give it love! Give it reconciliation with all that is not yet whole in your life, and run into the loving arms of your Father!
There, where the source of love is at home, you (and your soul) will be fine. There you can "refuel", you will be given strength and stamina, and the clarity of the Holy Spirit awaits you there. It will be given to you and will flood your being, and more and more your Father will be revealed to you, as His plan, His providence for each one of you.
Come, My children, come and give Satan no more power over you. As soon as you give your YES to My Son, the adversary loses his influence over you, and you will find peace and serenity and go the way to the Father.
I love you, My so beloved children.
In deep attachment, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children.
So be it.
"Whoever does not follow the word of My Mother, hard times will now dawn upon him. Believe and trust in Me, for I Am your Savior.
Your Jesus."
Source: ➥