Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
YES to My Son is a prerequisite for entry into this wonderful kingdom.
- Message No. 274 -

My child. My dear child. The New Kingdom of My Son will last 1000 years. In 12 nations of one language you will live there. Worship will be among your daily joys, for full of gratitude your hearts will be, filled and filled with purest, divine love that you wish to give this honor to your Lord and Father, for this is how you will consciously express your gratitude and joy.
There will be many places of worship, temples that you will find everywhere, for every city and town will be given space for this wonderful honor of your Lord. Daily worship will fill you even more, and your thanks and joy will be great.
Only a believing earth child practicing his faith can understand what this means, because only those who worship will have a fulfilling experience. And yet, it will be different in the New Kingdom of My Son, because you will become more and more "able" to receive the whole, perfect love of the Father.
My children. Rejoice. For it will be a wonderful time. So prepare yourselves for it, because only those who are prepared will experience it as such. Whoever does not prepare will not enter, because YES to My Son is a prerequisite for entering this wonderful kingdom.
So get up and prepare yourselves, then these promises will also come true for you.
I love you.
Your Mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children. Amen.
Source: ➥