Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Be warned, for they are not the Lord's miracles! - 10. on
- Message No. 267 -

My child. My dear child. Write, My beloved daughter, for Our Word must be heard.
My children. What is happening in your world today was foretold more than a thousand years ago, only you do not believe it is happening now. You know the revelations, but you do not know how to interpret them. You do not understand them and certainly not for your today's world, and this will have heavy consequences, because the end time is now! YOU live in it! It is not coming first and also this is not only a "story" or "legend", which John prophesied to you already at that time. No. It is the here and now! It is happening to you, and great should be your joy, for so many of your ancestors, who were still firmly established in the faith, have longed for this, your present time, so that they may finally attain the peace that has been foretold and promised to you for so long.
My children. My beloved children. You are gifted because you are living in this gifted time when everyone has the opportunity to enter the New Peaceful World, the New Jerusalem. You will all get to know Jesus, be with Him personally. So many souls before you have been waiting for this, and you gifted ones will experience it!
Wake up! Confess yourselves to My Son, to your Jesus, because HE opens for you the way into this New Glory, so long longed for and wished for by all Our deeply believing children. YOU, My beloved children, are blessed to live in this time, because the greatest of all gifts is at your feet! So many children, however, do not see it. They are blind to the gifts of God, blind to the present time and absolutely lost in the material world, which is their only true world and for which nothing exists except the illusory world established by the devil. Children, break out of this sham, for it is nothing but thin air and veils of mist that blind you and make you blind to the truth.
My children. My beloved children. Come to Jesus and give HIM your YES! Then run with HIM to the Father, because He is waiting for you eagerly. In His love He gives you grace, mercy and is full of love for each one of you, because He, the Almighty Father, is Love Himself. Turn back! Come to HIM and live in reality! The end times have begun, the Antichrist is among you, the false prophet lies and deceives you and so many of Our children of God fall for him and follow him.
Children, wake up! Listen carefully to what he says! Look carefully at what he does! And see how he gives himself! He loves the masses, the recognition and is full of pride. Do you not see it, My children so beloved by Me? He leads you by the nose, and you dance to his music. As soon as the entanglements with the antichrist show themselves, you must wake up and turn away, because together they will make you dance like puppets, they will make you squirm, they will pretend to you. Your rights they will take away from you and "miracles" they will supposedly perform. Be warned, for they are not the miracles of the Lord! They do nothing but devilish magic, yet you will consider it a miracle.
Your only salvation is My Son. Believe in HIM, trust in HIM and ask for the gift of discernment. The Holy Spirit and the angels of the Lord will be with you if you ask them, but always pray for clarity and purity and the gift of discernment to the Holy Spirit. Ask, and you will receive.
Listen to your heart and follow Our Word, then, My dear children, the evil one has no power over you, for We protect you, each one of you, but you must remain faithful to My Son.
So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children with God the Father.
Source: ➥