Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
It is your way of conversion that makes you enter into the New Glory of the Lord!
- Message No. 259 -

Amen, I say this to you: Whoever does not trust in the Word of My Mother, whoever does not become good and pure in heart and soul, whoever does not purify himself, does not repent and does not strive, the Kingdom of Heaven will remain closed to him, because it is My Mother who was given this mission to save souls, it is your trust in Us, that will bring you to the Father, and it is your way of conversion that will let you enter into the New Glory of the Lord, My New Kingdom, created for all the children of this earth in deepest love, because all of you are children of God, children of the Heavenly Father who loves you so much.
HIS love for you, My beloved brothers and sisters, is so infinitely great that HE created for you a New Home where you can live without evil and sin in deep peace and perfect fulfillment.
HIS love for each one of you is so infinitely great that HE sent out HIS Holy Spirit to give you clarity, HIS clarity, and the truth.
HIS love for you, My children, is so infinitely great that HE sent all His angels, the saints and My Most Holy Mother to earth to proclaim HIS Word to you, so that you can awaken, repent and prepare for the New, Beautiful Time that awaits you in My Kingdom.
HIS love for each one of you is so infinitely great that HE sent ME, HIS Holy Son, to earth to live among you, to teach you and then to free you from the sin that is now rampant, and this I "paid" for you with MY death on the cross, to explain it in your language.
Now come then also, convert to the Lord, because it is HE, the Only True God, the Creator of all being and of your existence, therefore run to HIM, into His loving arms and live forever with HIM and with Me!
We await all of you with great joy in Our hearts, therefore do not hesitate and come to Us. The Father will heal you and take care of each of His children, and never again will you lack anything.
Come, My children, come, for soon the gates to the New Jerusalem will be opened. Then you must be purified and prepared, for only a pure heart can I take to Our New Home.
Come, and give Me your YES! Then all will be well for you.
I love you, each one of you.
In deep love, your Jesus.
Source: ➥