Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, August 23, 2013
Trust and believe and persevere!
- Message No. 241 -

My child. My dear child. Do not despair. Your and all of your suffering is needed more than ever in these days, because the end is near, and much redemption and conversion must still take place before you may then enter the newly created world of Our Lord, your Father, who is eagerly waiting for each of His children. In order for as many souls as possible to find their way back to Our Father, you, My child, suffer and all of you suffer more than usual, because time is short and pressing.
"Do not despair, My beloved followers, for through your suffering, your pain and your longing for Me, your Savior, you are helping millions upon millions of souls to be saved as well. Soon everything will be over, and all suffering, pain and sin will be taken away from you. Trust and believe and persevere!
I, your Jesus, am always there for you, with you and carry with you. Give Me all the burdens that seem too much for you, and I will carry them for you and give relief. I love you, My dear, faithful souls, and I look forward to Our entry into the New Glory, which My Father has created for all of you and prepared in love. Hold on a little longer, and great in number we shall enter into My New Kingdom.
So be it.
I love you.
Your Jesus. Savior of all God's children and My Most Holy Mother." Your Mother in Heaven. Mother of all the children of God. Amen.
God the Father: "Rest, My child."
Source: ➥