Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
God the Father does not disappoint, for HE is love itself.
- Message No. 239 -

My child. My dear child. Good morning. Have a good day and enjoy being together. Few are the moments at present when you can all be together, therefore enjoy them especially today and always when they present themselves to you.
My children. It is important that you are happy. He who is happy is also content, and from this contentment you live love. A person who is unhappy, not content with himself and the world, is prone to dark thoughts and the evil whispers of the devil. Therefore, be content no matter what situation you are in, where "life" sends you through and whatever happens to you, because as soon as you lose your contentment, you go out of love, and if you don't feel love, you can't pass it on.
It is an eternal flow, that with love, because love is given to you by God the Father, your Lord and Master, but since so many have turned away from you, you are now looking for love in other people, and there you are disappointed again and again.
God the Father does not disappoint, for HE is love itself. HE fills your hearts, and it is HIS love that makes you happy, that gives you satisfaction, that lets you live love, because who trusts in God the Father is never alone, always protected and above all loved!
A person cannot live without this love. His soul shrinks like a withered flower and dies. That is why it is of such extraordinary importance that you find your way back to your Holy Father, because otherwise you will always look for love outside of you and never realize that God, Our Father, has put it inside of you.
You will always remain in search and will lose yourselves again and again and -in most cases- more and more in externals, because it will be the recognition that will make you happy -but only as long as it is given to you by your environment- and more and more you will "lose yourselves" and step into more and more traps of the devil, because you have turned away from God, your Lord and Creator, and the devil takes advantage of this and puts his mists like veils over you, mists of confusion and aberration, and more and more difficult it will become for you, the children of God, to really find your way to God the Father and His Holy Son, because the degree of your "falling" into the devil's traps will become greater and greater, just like the distance from your Father who loves you so much.
Be sure that HE really loves you and does everything for you to be freed from the veils of confusion that the devil puts on you. It is only your free will that separates you from God the Father, because as soon as you give your YES to HIM, His Son, HE will come and intervene and free you, and your life here and in eternity will be full and happy.
What are you waiting for, My flock of children so loved by Me? Confess yourselves! Say yes! And everything will be good for you. So be it.
Your Mother in Heaven who loves you so much. Mother of all God's children.
"Listen to the word of My Most Holy Mother, for she speaks the truth of God, and Her word is Holy!
Your Jesus. So be it. Amen."
Source: ➥