Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
The saints are among you and can and want to help you.
- Message No. 231 -

My child. My dear child. Sit with Me and write, My sun. I, your Saint Bonaventure, am here with you and I want to say this to you and to all the children of the earth: prepare yourselves. Be good and pious. Pray, My children, much and fervently. Visit your churches.
Participate in your Holy Masses and come to Us, your Holy Helpers, because We are among you when you call Us, ask Us for assistance and help. Entrust yourselves to Us, for We are there to help you!
My children. Your Lord, the Lord in Heaven, who is the Father of all of you, Creator of Heaven and Earth, as well as of each one of you, wants you to be happy and saved, so He sends out His Holy Helpers so that you may have help, find comfort, find support and not be alone. With them you are in Heavenly company, and this is a wonderful gift for you.
Trust in You and live with You. You will see and feel how wonderfully your lives are changing! Call upon You for everything that you are unable to accomplish on your own and also turn to You in moments of happiness. The saints are among you and can and want to help you, but you must want it. Pray to them and call upon them. They will be there for you, they will intercede for you, and they will help you in a very concrete way.
Believe and trust, for so it will be.
I love you. Each one of you.
Your loving Jesus and your Saint Bonaventure.
Source: ➥