Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
The battle for souls has begun!
- Message No. 224 -

My child. My dear child. Your suffering will soon pass.
"Hold on, My beloved daughter. You suffer for Me, your Jesus, and thus help Me to save thousands of souls. I love you. Hang in there."
My child. More and more painful is the suffering that Our atonement children are taking on, but be sure that it will save many souls. The battle for souls has begun, the Antichrist and his followers are working with devastating means, bringing millions of God's children to their knees. They produce diseases, they corrupt God's children, and they ignite wars. Then they will come to the light and pretend to be saviors, mediators, peacemakers, and the masses will cheer them, not suspecting that those who are supposedly doing good are in fact the evil ones.
Wake up! Take up your cross and follow Jesus, My Son and your Savior! Only HE can lead you through these dark times. Only with HIM you will rise from this darkness, which now threatens to overtake your earth! Only through HIM will you gain the stamina to accept atonement sacrifices and to enter radiantly into the New Era, when the ultimate battle has been fought and Satan with his evil ones will be damned forever. Then no Antichrist will lie to you anymore, no false prophet will steal your souls, and love alone will embrace you and finally make you happy children of the New Era.
My child. You are weakened. Rest now. I love you.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children.
Source: ➥