Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Monday, July 29, 2013

You must be prepared, or you will be "swept away"!

- Message No. 218 -


My child. Write, for Our word is needed. Book 3 will be given to you now, and many souls will reach Our books. Our Word will heal them, give them relief in their daily suffering, and show them the way to God the Father, Our Most High Creator.

We lead them to HIM, to the Almighty Father, who is pure love, and their reward will be great as soon as they repent and give their YES to Jesus, My Son and the Son of the Almighty Father, who was given to Me by the Holy Spirit.

My children. Believe and trust. Much has already happened, much more is yet to come. Your world is coming to an end and there are so many souls still to be saved. This will happen! Believe in My Word! Convert to be taken to the New Home of the children of God!

Give your consent to Jesus and build a loving friendship with Him! You will not have much time left for this, because soon the hand of God the Father will strike to stop the evil and to open the eyes of the unbelievers. Then you must be prepared, because otherwise you will be "swept away" with all the scum and filth that your world has to offer, and this not because God the Father is not merciful, but because you have decided against HIM by not believing in HIM, not giving HIM your YES and not living according to HIS word.

Wake up and turn back and become true children of God! Then, My beloved children, you will enter into the New Glory of My Son, prepared and created by God the Father for each one of you. You will live there in love and peace, and your soul will find the peace and contentment, the happiness and fulfillment it has longed for all its life.

Wake up, then, and go to God the Father! Whoever dares to take the first step, We will come to his aid! Say this to all Our children, no matter how good or how bad they have been, for God the Father is a merciful Father, and His mercy forgives, except for blasphemy, every sin.

Get up, then, and run! Into the open arms of Jesus and God the Father! Then the promises will come true for you too, and Eternal Life in the Kingdom of My Son will be your gift.

I love you. Each one of you.

Your Mother in Heaven.

Mother of all God's children.

"Amen, I say this to you: He who does not rise up will stand still.

Whoever does not come to Me, I cannot help him.

Whoever refuses Me his YES cannot be saved.

He who swears allegiance to the devil will remain excluded from the New Paradise.

For only he who is pure in heart will enter My New Kingdom.

Only he who loves Me will also find his way to the Father.

But whoever scorns Me, mocks Me and ridicules Me, the maelstrom of the abyss will carry him away, and his soul will be lost forever.

So confess Me, your Jesus, and great will be the joy in heaven.

So be it.

Your loving Jesus.

Savior of all God's children."

"My child. Make this known. It is very important. Thank you." .

Source: ➥