Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Only a little time remains, for soon the evil in your world will become greater.
- Message No. 216 -

My child. My dear child. Sit with Me and write. Listen to what I, the Mother of all God's children, have to say to you: My children. You must prepare yourselves. Only a little time remains, for soon the evil in your world will become greater and God the Father will put a stop to all evil, then, when it becomes too bad for His children.
HE will send His Son for the Second Time, and HE, your Jesus, Savior of all God's children, will fight for you and deliver you from the clutches of the devil, who is currently dominating your world and causing great harm and suffering to God's children.
My children. Wake up! The time is approaching and you must be prepared! So come to Us, to Jesus, My Son! Turn to the Holy Spirit, to the Holy Angels of God and your saints. All We are ready for you, to help you, to guide you, to comfort you, to embrace you with love.
Come and take the first step, for then the promise of Paradise will become truth for you too, and happily, contentedly and in perfect love and righteousness you will all live together in your New Home, united with Us, your saints and angels, and Jesus will be there to govern you, and this will be done in absolute love. So rejoice and wait no longer!
I love you.
Your Mother in Heaven united with the Holy Angels and the Saints. Amen.
"Amen, I say this to you: He who does not hear Our call will remain deaf.
He who spurns Our word will remain blind.
He who does not confess Me will continue to follow the wrong way.
Whoever does not honor My Father is not worthy of Him!
Repent and begin a New Life with Us! Heaven awaits you, and an army of angels and saints is at your disposal.
Come now, My children so beloved by Me, for when I come the Second Time, it will be too late for your conversion.
I love you, I want to take each one of you to the New Glory of My Almighty Father, where love is at home and Heaven united is looking forward to each one of you!
Come, My children, come! I, your Jesus, await you and joyfully we will enter the New Paradise!
Give Me your YES, and I will come to you!
Your loving Jesus.
Savior of all God's children."
Source: ➥