Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Come, My children, come! Heaven will soon be opened and then you will be overwhelmed!
- Message No. 214 -

My child. I love you. Great is the number of souls that have already been reached through these messages, even greater will be the number when, at the end of all days, My Holy Son comes to you and will take you to give your soul eternal love in the Kingdom of God, Our Lord and Father, where love is at home and joy and bliss refresh your heart, where the gifts of God the Father are waiting for you and His glories will be revealed to you all.
My children. Believe and trust and listen to Our Word in these messages, for soon the day is approaching when My Son will hasten to you, and then you must be prepared for HIM, the Savior of all God's children.
Give your love also to Him, Jesus, who loves you so much! Give your YES to HIM, the Redeemer of the world, who took upon himself the greatest of all sacrifices for you! And enter with HIM into the wonderful New World, the Paradise, the New Jerusalem, which God the Father has prepared in deepest love for you and for you.
Come, My children, come! Heaven will soon be opened and then you will be overwhelmed! The love, the joy, the bliss that you will feel then will fill your soul deeply, but you must prepare for this moment.
Come, My children, come all to Jesus, and gloriously you will enter this New World of Love, for whoever gives his YES to My Son will be saved, and the devil will lose all power over him. So be it.
I love you.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children.
"My child. There is little time left. Therefore, prepare yourselves for Me. Give Me your YES!
Give Me your life!
Your love, your joy, your sorrow and your need!
I will alleviate the latter and share the former with you and increase it many times over, i.e. you will be allowed to live an even deeper, even more intimate love and joy and then enter My New Kingdom joyfully and happily, freed from evil, because I will not leave anyone who entrusts himself to Me, anyone who gives Me his YES, I will take with me into the newly created paradise of My Father, because I love each one of you and I would like to know each one of you saved and well.
So be it. I love you.
Your Jesus.
Savior of all God's children."
"Make this known, My daughter. Thank you."
Source: ➥