Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
- Part 2 - There will be a world where love alone reigns.
- Message No. 205 -

My child. Tell Our children that We love them and that the time of their redemption is near. Everything is carefully planned and prepared, and Jesus, My Son who loves you so much, will now soon hasten to each one of you, so that as a last chance you can prepare your souls for the great day of joy, when HE will defeat the devil and evil once and for all, and then take you to the New Jerusalem, where love and peace will reign and My Holy Son will watch over you. He will rule the New Kingdom, and this will be done in pure love. A love that fills all Our children and a watchfulness that takes care of each one of you.
My children. My children so loved by Me. Rejoice, for you will enter into the New Glory that God the Father has prepared for each one of you in deepest love. You will be well and happy. You will live in peace and love, and you will be true children of God.
I love you, My beloved children. We are all looking forward to this great day when God the Father will open the gates to this New Kingdom and His beloved children, that is you, will enter the New World. He will embrace each one of you with His almighty love, and He has prepared something wonderful for each one of you, so that each one of you will be really well.
Rejoice, for your Father's gifts are great and generous, and His almighty love will be given to you all.
So be it.
Your loving Mother in heaven. Mother of all God's children.
"Amen, I say this to you: The kingdom of heaven will be opened and the earth will merge with heaven.
The evil of the earth will be cast out like garbage and the love of heaven will envelop the earth.
There will be a world where love alone reigns, and your joy will be great and infinite.
You will become fulfilled children of God, because there, where evil has no power, does not exist and is extinguished, you will finally be able to live your love given to you by God the Father and placed in you.
This world will be more beautiful than anything you have ever been able to imagine, because God the Father is omnipotent, and in His omnipotence, which is pure love, HE has provided for each one and will provide for all of you, each one, forever.
So rejoice and give Me all your YES, because then I can also take you, who come to Me now, into this wonderful New World, and the happiness, joy and love will be yours forever.
So be it. I love you. Each one of you.
Your Jesus.
Savior of all God's children."
"My child. Make this known. I love you. Your Mother in Heaven with God the Father."
Source: ➥