Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, July 8, 2013
It is the heart, your heart, which makes you understand the mystery of God.
- Message No. 197 -

My child. My dear child. Thank you for writing so much.
Understanding the word of God requires a truly pure heart. Without a pure heart you will always have a hard time, because it is the heart, your heart, that makes you understand the mystery of God.
He who is not free from sin, that is, he who does not repent of the sins he has committed, will not find the way to God either, because his heart is impure and hinders him from finding God. He will not understand how easy the way to happiness and glory is, because he carries evil within himself, because he does not repent.
My children, it is so important that you open your hearts and make room for My Son and God the Father within you! You must prepare yourselves, because only with a pure soul will you be able to receive My Son duly, only with an open heart will HE be able to save you and lead you back home, where evil does not exist, where alone love is at home, which your soul desires so much.
Through all your unrepented sins you block your way to glory. You put obstacles in your own way that seem insurmountable. It is as if you take one step on the way to God the Father and then throw stones at your own feet, making your path bumpy and unnecessarily difficult. Many of you even pull up a huge wall and thus, of course, do not take a step further on the path back to the Creator.
Tear down the walls! Clear the stones out of the way! This is easiest for you in confession, because there, My so beloved children, My Son, through the priest ordained by HIM, forgives you all sins, even those you may not even remember. But you must repent; you must be sorry, and you must try not to commit these repented and confessed sins again!
Nothing will avail you to confess your sins if you do not repent!
Nothing will profit you to confess your sins if you have already made up your mind to commit the same sin again!
Repent and be good, My children so beloved by Me, and the way to the Kingdom of Heaven will become easy for you too!
I love you so much.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all the children of God.
Jesus is also there and nods in agreement.
"Amen, I say this to you: Whoever does not have repentance in his heart, his sin will not be forgiven.
Whoever immediately sins again without at least wanting to avoid the sin will not be forgiven either.
Whoever is not forgiven has a hard time finding his way to Me. He will stand before a closed door, for the gates of heaven will not open to him.
But whoever repents of his deeds, which were sinful, will be granted entrance, but his soul must also be purified first.
Therefore, be good while you are alive, My children, for otherwise purgatory awaits you first. It purifies you until you are free and purified.
But woe to him who does not repent. The lake of fire opens for him, and his fall cannot be stopped.
As soon as he is in the fall and only then becomes aware and wants to repent -because he will recognize his deeds- it will be too late, and the eternal torment of the soul will overtake him. There is no more salvation for him, because he has fallen for the devil.
So confess Me, your Jesus, and attain a life in the glory of My Father.
I love you very much.
Your Jesus who loves you.
Savior of all God's children."
"My child. Our children do not know what they are doing. They must begin to live with their hearts or they will perish and be lost forever.
Your Father in heaven.
Creator of all God's children."
Thank you, My child, My daughter. I love you.
Source: ➥