Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Whoever gives his existence to Us, the Mysteries are revealed to him.
- Message No. 195 -

My child. Tell Our children worldwide that now the time is approaching when they should confess My Son Jesus, for the end of times is near, and God, the Father of you all, will not grant much more time, for too great is the sin of your world, too great the evil deeds to His children so loved by HIM, too great the power of the evil one who seeks to seduce and condemn you all, than that HE, the Most High, will witness your "earth scandal" any longer.
Confess, My children, to your only true God. Give your YES to Jesus, because HE who was conceived without sin, born free from sin and lived among you without sinning, is ONE with the Father, and ONE are YOU with the Holy Spirit, because the Son comes from the Father and the Holy Spirit comes from HIM.
HE who created all things is the Son, is the Holy Spirit, is God, the Triune God, so difficult for you to understand. HE IS! HE is the Son, HE is the Holy Spirit, HE is the Triune God, who sent Jesus, a piece of Himself, out of love for you, and who took away your sin, i.e. gave His life to give you Eternal Life, which can only be obtained free from sin think of Purgatory, My beloved children! Who is not pure from sin, must first experience the purification there!-, who therefore died for you, and thus gave Himself completely back to the Father. He is God and at the same time the Son of God. This is the mystery that you find most difficult to understand.
God is the Son and God is the Holy Spirit, whom HE sent to you -His Spirit- to understand! To give clarity! To offer you enlightenment! To let you understand His mysteries! To show you the way that many of you did not understand through the life of Jesus, did not understand His work, His redemption and fell into doubt.
Little children. Believe and trust. God is the Son, God is the Holy Spirit, God is the Father. HE IS!
Turn back! Come back to HIM, the only true and loving God the Father, your Creator. Honor HIM and love HIM. Then, My dear children, all will be well for you and HE, who also created you, will enclose you in HIS loving arms and will always take care of you. You only have to let HIM. You do that with your YES to Jesus.
So be it.
I love you and all My children.
Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all God's children.
"Amen, I tell you this: do not try to explain the mysteries of My Father with your mind.
Do not try to put into words what you do not understand.
You understand My Father by faith. You must trust Him, and you must open your hearts.
Only he who has an open heart will understand.
Only he who grants entrance to Us will experience.
Only who gives Us his existence, the mysteries will be revealed to him and his soul will be saved.
I love you. Each one of you.
Believe and trust!
Your loving Jesus.
Savior of all God's children."
"My child. My daughter. To understand My mystery requires living life with Me, sharing it, offering it up, giving it back to Me.
Whoever lives with Me will be enlightened.
Whoever gives his YES to Me, through My Son, who I AM, will find Me.
He will attain an understanding which he alone -not with all the courses of study of your present world- is able to reach.
Only I AM God and I AM Almighty. Whoever comes to Me will experience happiness, whoever comes to Me will live forever.
Whoever comes to Me, I will enfold with love and bestow with My gifts.
Whoever is with Me will experience all My glories.
So be it.
I love you.
Your Father in Heaven.
Creator of all being."
"My child. These are "hard" words for you too. Make them known. They must work, so give yourselves time. Understand with your heart, for it is hard for your mind.
I love you.
Your mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children."
Source: ➥