Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Do not believe in all that is "forced" on you as changes.
- Message No. 181 -

My child. My dear child. Do not despair. Calmer days are coming again. Your decision is good, for with Saturday's visit you will come more into the rest and into the true joy that is withheld from you on Sundays.
Too much "fuss" and distraction is not good for any of Our children, and all of you, My beloved children, should return to the original ceremony and give no place to restlessness in your churches and during Holy Masses.
You must talk with Jesus and God the Father and not joyfully pursue human things. Learn to know the inner joy! Reflect on the coming of My Son, His presence among you and the Holy Eucharist. Prepare yourselves for the union with My Holy Son, your Jesus, and do not give in to the traps of the enemy, because gossiping and other mischiefs of restlessness, which bring you, My beloved children, out of intimacy, do not come from My Son.
They are the traps of the devil, who wants to bring you more and more out of inner peace and joy.
He makes you believe that it is good to walk through the church wishing peace to everyone, clapping and singing loud but not intimate songs. Stop it!
Your churches are sacred and going to Mass is your worship, show of respect and joy to My Son and God the Father and your union with HIM, your Holy Jesus. Don't let the devil destroy that!
Do not believe in all that is "forced" on you as changes. It is not good, and it does not come from Jesus! So take care and celebrate your Masses as they were celebrated from the beginning! Sing the songs that bring about intimacy and inner joy, and do not be taken by surprise with the new, mostly pagan texts that will be written in your new books. Hold fast to the old rite, for that is the only true one!
Don't you know that all these changes come from the Adversary? Do you really close your eyes and ears and do not see and hear what your "heads" are saying?
Everyone who communicates with Us knows that your church is infiltrated by the devil! Everyone who hears Our Word knows who is sitting in the Holy See in Rome.
Have you forgotten everything? Or is your faith too weak? Wake up!
Defend your Masses and tell your priests what they are doing wrong! Don't just accept these naughtinesses, how they overrun and infiltrate your masses and churches more and more!
Stand up! Defend Jesus!
Then, My beloved children, you will find peace again when you visit your church. You will experience true joy and your heart and soul will be filled!
So do not allow everything to become "noisy" and restless, but insist on contemplation and tranquility.
I thank you, My beloved children.
Your loving Mother in heaven. Mother of all God's children.
Thank you, My daughter.
Source: ➥