Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Pray also vicariously for those you love and they will NOT be lost!
- Message No. 173 -

My child. My dear child. I am glad that you, that all of you have come. I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, want to tell you, My beloved children, today the following: it is important that you wake up and face the signs of the times. You must, if you want to save your soul, be united with God the Father and with My Holy Son. The devil exercises great power over all of you. Great is the number of his followers, great and cruel the deeds they are planning and trying to carry out.
My children. My beloved children. Be vigilant! Do not be deceived, for the "wolf has put on sheep's clothing" and is beguiling and deceiving you. He does not love you, he wants to seduce you, to win you over for his evil machinations, which he knows how to camouflage well.
Watch out and be on your guard. He sells you evil as good, sin as "normality". He plays a cruel game with you and wants to win you with all the charm, the appearance and the luxury lottery for his goals.
Do not fall into his trap! Watch out and be on your guard. Once you have fallen into his traps, it is difficult for you to find your way out.
So come to My Son! He will guide you. He will save you from the traps of the devil and sin, which will drag you into damnation! Pray to the Holy Spirit and be always ready to give your YES to Jesus, My Holy and so beloved Son.
Who does not prepare himself for Him, who closes his heart for Him, He will not be able to take him into His New Kingdom!
So be warned and open your hearts for My Son. Then, My so beloved children, all will be well for you too, now and in eternity.
So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
"My child. My daughter so loved by Me. I, your Holy Jesus, want to call all Our children to give their YES to Me, your Jesus.
Open your hearts to Me, and follow Me on the path of pure love. Then, My so beloved children, I will come to save your souls, and I will take everyone to My Kingdom.
Pray also vicariously and with pure love in your hearts for those you love. For great is My Redeemer's Heart and powerful is My Father's grace. I will come and shake them awake, and they will NOT be lost.
Say this, My daughter so beloved of Me, to all Our children, for in My mercy I will take care of them and theirs.
So be it.
Your loving Jesus.
Savior of all God's children."
Source: ➥