Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Convert in time, because as soon as HE comes to you, everything will happen very quickly.
- Message No. 168 -

My child. My dear child. I, your beloved Mother in Heaven, want to tell you and all Our believing and unbelieving children today that the "wait" will soon come to an end, for God the Father, Almighty of us all, will very soon send His Son, Jesus Christ, to put a stop to the injustices on your earth and to lead His children back to the right path of love.
What is happening on your earth is assuming such proportions that God the Father will not stand by and watch much longer. Rejoice, for HE who created you ALL and who created EVERYTHING will put a stop to the evil as soon as it threatens to escalate - and that will not be for long. Convert in time and prepare your souls. Open your hearts for the coming of My Son, because as soon as HE comes to you, everything will happen very quickly.
The Antichrist does not yet show his true face, but be sure that he holds all the strings in his satanic hand to bring ruin to the world. The decay of goodness, the breaking off of faith in the only true religion and countless intrigues, seductions, lies, wickedness, slavery and oppression he will bring with him.
The Evil One and his henchmen are bent on world domination. They are sowing strife and hatred among you, fomenting social division, religious division and the insecurity, uncertainty and fear of your existences. Their goal is to control the world and tolerate you as slaves. They want the destruction of goodness, as well as all "references" to Jesus and God the Father, so that you have no other way but hell, damnation forever.
The more evil you become yourselves, the more prestige you gain in the devil's world, but, My beloved children, the more you distance yourselves from God the Father, thus blocking your way to His Kingdom of Heaven. You disinherit yourselves, and you will not be able to reap the promised fruits and glories of heaven, because you have chosen the path of evil and blocked all chances of an eternity in peace.
You will never experience the love of God the Father, and you will remain eternally excluded from happiness and joy, peace and gladness, because through your evil, uncertain deeds during your lifetime in the service of the devil, you have closed the way to God, your Creator, and have started the way to hell ITSELF, but there, My so beloved children, Satan awaits you laughing uproariously, because you have fallen into his trap, and not one of his promises will he keep. But he will torture you and make you suffer, ravish you and treat you in the worst way, because his "joy" lies in the suffering of others, he gets his "happiness" from the agony of his victims, just as you do when you are alive.
So wake up, My lost children, and turn your eyes back to the good. Look to Jesus and God the Father, and fill your hearts with love. Turn back, My beloved children, and ask Us to help you. We will break the fetters that Satan has put on you - this is done with pure love - and free you from his valley of fornication and evil deeds.
Come to Us! Heaven is open, so that We come to the one who honestly and reverently asks Us. God the Father and Jesus love you! They receive each one of you with love and great joy, because every child who finds his way back to his Father causes a feast of joy in Heaven.
So come to Him, to Jesus, who loves you so much. No sin is too great not to be forgiven. Come before it is too late. And come before the great soul-searching begins. For he who is not pure in heart, who has sinned much and not repented, and especially he who lives in unbelief, will not be able to survive the soul-searching because of sorrow for what he has done.
So turn back in time and give your YES to Jesus. HE will deliver you from the clutches of Satan. HE will give faith to the unbelievers, and HE will provide for ALL of HIS children, but HE needs your YES.
So come to HIM, to Us. Heaven will be there for you as soon as you ask Us fervently and sincerely.
Do not spoil your eternity! It is never too late to turn back! Always remember My words, because to everyone who says YES to My Holy Son, We will come to his aid.
So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all the children of God.
"Whoever does not know the way to Me, whoever denies Me and does not take Our Holy Word seriously, turn back before it is too late, because as soon as God the Father puts a stop to it, you will have to confess Me in order not to be swallowed up by the abysses of hell.
Turn back! Confess yourselves to Me and give Me your YES! Then, My so beloved children, I will come to save you and take you to My New Kingdom. Eternity in My Paradise will be given to you, and your joy will be great.
I love you.
Your Jesus."
Thank you, My child. My daughter.
Source: ➥