Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Do you want to put eternity - YOUR eternity - at risk?
- Message No. 166 -

My child. The world must repent, hearts must be purified, so that the soul of each person can find God and My Son.
Do not hide behind self-pity, but wake up and see why one disaster follows another. Your world is upside down, never has sin been so great as it is today, never has apostasy from your Creator been so immense as it is now.
If you do not repent, My beloved children, confess Jesus, open your eyes and hearts to the only true way, then you will all be lost, for the devil chases you, he sets traps for you, he lies to you, and you believe everything he says, what he holds out to you and follow him, because you do not want to know about God and His Holy Son, and this will be momentous for you, and it will cost you the claim to your inheritance promised by God and bring you the end without end in damnation.
Do you want that? Do you want to put eternity - YOUR eternity - on the line for a little pleasure, for a little satisfaction, for a little money and power? What is it all worth? What will it bring you at the end of your days? How will your soul stand when the only possible way to hell opens up to it?
You will suffer. Terrible suffering. Your torment will never end, and there will be NO RETURN, because whoever does not decide for a life with God, whoever does not give his YES to My Holy Son, gambles away his right to life in Paradise, because he has decided for the devil, even those who have NOT made a decision.
A YES, a simple, simple YES to Jesus - and you will be saved.
Wake up! Turn back! Give your YES to Jesus! This is all you need to live in eternal peace, far from malice and lies, misery and hunger, slander and falsehood, because the devil will be condemned, defeated by Jesus, My Holy Son.
Whoever confesses HIM, gives HIM his YES, HE will take him with Him when heaven merges with earth, and together you will enter into HIS New Kingdom, the New Jerusalem, the Paradise and live eternally happy, contented, in love and security, because God the Father will take care of each one of you and no one will ever again experience suffering.
So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all God's children.
"Come, My children, come. I, your Holy Jesus, await you. Each one of you I love, and each one of you I take with Me into My New Kingdom. Come, My children, come, for whoever gives Me his YES will never be lost. Your loving Jesus."
Source: ➥