Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, June 6, 2013
The key to the deeper understanding of Our Word.
- Message No. 164 -

"My child. My dear child. The sufferings you experience are the pains My Son suffered. When people do not understand, they may call upon the Holy Spirit and ask for clarity, understanding and the love in the heart that is the key to the deeper understanding of Our Word. With this key, this love in the heart, you will open all the doors to My Son that are still closed.
Tell this to Our beloved children.
With deep love, your Mother in Heaven.
Thank you, My child."
"My child. My daughter. Great was the suffering I had to (endure), for the redemption of humanity. Great, My pains that I suffered, through the suffering that was inflicted on Me, your Holy Jesus. You, My daughter, have accepted three of these sufferings for Me and more will follow, for My sufferings are many, and with each suffering I bring you closer to My Holy Redeemer Heart.
For many of Our children this is difficult to understand, because they walk a different path than you, My daughter. So each one of you has a very special task and yours is to experience My suffering and to pass on My Holy Word and that of Heaven, for there are many who speak with you, to all Our children.
Anyone who has love, true, sincere love for Us in his heart, will understand Our Word. Anyone who still needs help, call upon the Holy Spirit, for HE will give you the clarity and make your understanding grow, if you sincerely and reverently ask HIM.
Little children. Give Me, your Jesus, your YES. Then I can also work in you, help you, and be with you and give you eternal life in the New Jerusalem.
I love you. Each one of you.
Your Jesus."
"My child. My dear child. Sit with Me and listen to what I have to say to the world: My children so loved by Me. I, your Mother in Heaven, united with all Heavenly Helpers, come to you through Our chosen seers to bring you salvation for your soul.
Whoever listens to Our Word, trusts in Us and gives himself to My Holy Son, Jesus Christ, giving his YES to Him, will experience salvation and blessings and the glories of God will be revealed to him.
My child. My dear child. Tell Our children that it is time to repent, to turn to a life according to the commandments of God the Father and to give their YES to My Holy Son.
Come, My children, come. Come all to Us, your Holy Mother in Heaven, to Jesus, to God the Father and to the saints and angels. Then, My beloved children, all will be well, and life in Paradise for eternity will be given to you. So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children."
Prayer no. 23: Prayer for love, clarity and trust in God .
Oh, Holy Spirit, fill my heart with Your love, give me clarity and trust in God. Help me to decipher the Lord's words, for only through love will I understand them. Amen.
Thank you, My child.
Source: ➥