Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Respect each other - and give joy to each other.
- Message No. 155 -

My child. My dear child. I, your Mother in Heaven, want to say this to My children today: always love each other and be good to each other. Respect each other and give each other joy. Give joy to your neighbor and meet him with love. Do not accuse, but try to understand. He who does evil is going astray. He is lost and needs help.
Of course, you cannot stand by and watch some people commit criminal acts, because that would not be right. You must protect your fellow human beings and yourselves from crime. But I am not talking here about the great aberrations, the misjudgment of the good that comes from God, but about the little and not so little jibes, emotional swings, grumpy faces and accusatory words that you give to each other as pious and not so pious children of God.
Look deeper into the other and give him a little love and joy. If he looks grumpy, at least be good and kind to him. You don't know why he is looking like that or why he is behaving in an unfriendly way. Maybe he just needs the feeling that there is someone nice in the world, and through your goodwill, a friendly look, a friendly word, warmth returns to his heart, and his oh so gloomy look turns into a smile.
Always remember that you do not know why a person acts the way he does. Only God, Our Almighty Father, knows. And He is pleased when you are good to each other.
You know yourselves how good it does you when your fellow men treat you kindly. So you also do it and be polite and good. Then, My dear children, your world, your environment will be healed, because warmth enters the hearts of people, and they radiate this warmth back to you.
So be good to each other and help each other. Then, My children, you will all feel love in your hearts, and there will be no more quarrels.
So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all God's children.
It is the warmth of God, the flame of Divine Love that you are missing. A flame that must burn blazing and shining in your heart. If it does, wickedness will not come to you, and you will be able to meet all God's children in love.
Ask Jesus to make this flame grow in you: Prayer #21: Prayer for the Flame of Divine Love .
Dear Jesus, kindle the flame of eternal love in my heart. Let it grow and become so great that nothing evil can touch me, and I meet all God's children in love.
Thank you, My child.
Source: ➥