Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Let your children be children again! God the Father is sadly watching how broken you make your children.
- Message No. 148 -

My child. My dear child. Good morning. It is good to see the joy with which the children went to school today. A joy that they feel far too rarely, because due to the fatal times in the Catalan schools and also far too many other schools, the children can hardly be children nowadays, because their day is planned from morning to night with no free time, when in the past their parents were together with their children and gave each other joy.
Nowadays, no one has time. You get caught up in work, you chase after pleasures, you "dredge up" a little "freedom" for yourselves, because all the time constraints, the scheduling of yourselves and your children, the being separated from each other and the rushing around that you experience and go through every day, make you dissatisfied and make you restless.
So you "dredge up" in the little remaining time with your family also free time only for yourselves, and your children learn from the beginning of their existence that you don't care about each other, but always fight only for yourselves, so that you don't fall short in your concerns. Thus you raise yourselves disrespectful little beings, who instead of being filled with joy, are always "pushed away", because you need all the time for yourselves, but your children need exactly that time WITH you.
What I, your Mother in Heaven, have said here applies to most of today's families, because your present time has turned against the family and only allows a limited togetherness.
You must have time for your children again. It is important that mom and dad always love them, always want to have them with them, and spend a lot of time with them. Even if you have little free time, share that time with your children. Don't leave them at school all day. It's not good for any child. It's not good for you either to be away from your children all day.
What is a little more money if your children are not doing well? Why do you always want more when you can get by with much less? "I want to offer myself and my children something," is often said. But your children want love, security, unity with their parents. You don't have to offer them material magnificence, but you have to respond to their inner needs.
Whoever brings up his child in the "outside", lets him be brought up, must not be surprised why he "rebels" and is "difficult". A child needs its parents. It needs to spend time with them. It must be loved. It needs to be able to play.
Here in your country and in many areas, children spend their childhood in nurseries, schools and other institutions. They have to be quiet and attentive instead of playing and giving free rein to their creativity. They have to "function", and by doing so you are raising them in an absolutely unhealthy way.
Change your school hours and spend time with your children again. Give them the riches of God: love, joy, happiness, security, understanding. They are small, delicate beings that you are educating into machines - and so you are destroying their small, innocent souls.
Let your children be children again! God the Father is sadly watching how broken you are making your children. Change your daily routine on them. Change everything so that they, the children who are your future, have time for themselves again, for their needs, and abolish all-day schools.
If you are a family trusting in God, you will educate your children at home, trusting in God, with the help of Heaven, and not put them in a care all day.
Whoever lives with God, lives according to HIS guidelines: there is the husband, the father of the children, who takes care of the family: with his work he creates a basis for a home, the food and other goods you need to live. His wife, the mother of the children, takes care of a nice home for everyone, she is with the children, takes them with her when she goes shopping, teaches them what is needed in the household and spends time with the children. She is the central point of the children, because in the first years of childhood she is the person the child needs the most. Later, when the child grows up, he goes to your school to learn. Then it is again the mother who picks it up at noon and takes care of the child until the evening when the father comes.
You must heal your families! You must adapt your schools to the needs of your children! You must be there for your children! And you must learn again what is essential in life. You are here on your earth to prepare yourselves for eternity. Since you cannot do that alone, it is so important that you find your way to My Son. Start and come to Jesus! Turn around and live love! Whoever lives with Us, it will become easier and easier for him to live according to God's guidelines again. Whoever lives with Us will heal his family. Whoever lives with Us will become happy, and whoever lives with Us will be given peaceful eternity.
So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children.
Thank you, My child.
"Pray, My children, pray. The school hours must be changed. Adjust them to your children, and take them home to you from noon. Pray, My children, pray. Only in this way will your children be happy again, only in this way can they be as they are. Do not overwhelm them and love them.
Pray, My children, pray."
The communion of saints under the direction of Saint Antoni Maria Claret.
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