Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Her end would be hell if you did not pray for her and accept sacrifices.
- Message No. 139 -

My child. My dear child. Hear and marvel, for My Son, your Jesus, is full of confidence that even the souls who are farthest from HIM and God, Our Father of all, will find their way to HIM and home. For, My children so beloved of Me, your prayers We carry into the hearts of those who do not (yet) know Us and into the hearts of those who (still) reject My Son.
Great miracles are made to happen by God the Father, for with all your wonderful prayers that you say in love and devotion to Us, HE, God Most High, through His Son, your Jesus, and the enlightenment and purity of His Holy Spirit, will reach even the souls who were already considered lost.
He will reveal the truth to them and flood their hearts with His Divine Love, they will experience His Presence and feel it in their hearts and then get the chance to give their YES to HIM, His Holy Son, who will thus free them from Satan's clutches, so that they too can enter the New Paradise, because this was created for all God's children by your loving Father in Heaven, also for these, your lost brothers and sisters, and nothing will give Him more joy than that all His children find their way back home to Him.
Pray, My children, pray. Pray for peace in the souls of these poor sinners. So lost are they that they cannot find the way back on their own, so broken are their souls that they feel no hope in God, Our Lord, so "trained" and "enslaved" by Satan are they that their end would be hell if you would not pray and accept sacrifices for them.
So keep praying for the lost souls, so that the joy of God the Father may be even greater and the longing for the return of all His beloved children home to HIM may be fulfilled.
So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all God's children.
My child, here is a prayer that you may pray for these lost souls:
Prayer #19: Prayer for the salvation of lost souls My Lord, My Father, He who is Almighty.
Enlighten the lost souls with Your Holy Spirit.
Do not allow the devil to block their way to You.
Send out Your Holy Angels to them, so that they may defeat the demons that control these souls, and they, the souls, may thus go the way home to You with Jesus, Your Holy Son. Amen.
This prayer can save souls. Pray it fervently and with confidence, and God the Father will send His Holy Angels to fight the battle for these souls.
A follow-up prayer that the Holy Angels carry to the lost souls:
Prayer #19A: Follow-up prayer for the enlightenment of lost souls .
Say YES, My dear child.
Say YES to Jesus. He, who is greater than you, will lead you into eternity. With Him you can rest and be carefree and heal your soul.
Say YES, My child, and come to Me, I, your Jesus, will take you to My eternity. Amen.
My children. Pray this for the lost souls. It will help them to give their YES to My Son. Thank you, My beloved children.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Source: ➥