Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Rosary pilgrimage !
- Message No. 135 -

My child. Sit down with Me. Listen to what I have to say to the world and to you: The month of May is dedicated to Me, because there must be a month in the year that you keep holy for Me, your Mother in Heaven.
I rejoice in all your beautiful prayers that you bring to Me in My honor, and I love the Spanish tradition of the "Rosary Pilgrimage" that you should also pray in the northern countries.
A rosary pilgrimage is special. You "honor" Me in a special way, and you carry joy in your hearts. You give Me your time and experience great joy in your heart and soul.
My children, such an act of veneration and love towards Me delights My Mother's heart, and it is this joy that flows back into your hearts.
Thank you, My children. You make Me happy with this.
The Rosary pilgrimage is practiced by many children of this earth, but it has been more or less forgotten in some places, especially in the Northern Hemisphere. It would please Me very much if you would practice it again everywhere. A rosary pilgrimage can be made throughout the year, but I desire it in the month of May as a special devotion to My Sacred Heart. In this way you will be united worldwide in this act of love for Me, and worldwide My graces and blessings will be felt in you.
My children. Give Me, your beloved Mother in Heaven, this devotion again worldwide, and a flood of Divine graces will come over the earth.
I thank you from my heart.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
"Give My Mother the honor due to Her and respond to Her call.
Moreover, pause at 12 and 3 o'clock.
Your Jesus." "Please keep these times. A thought, a prayer to Me at 12 o'clock, at 3 o'clock to My Holy Son Jesus, your Savior. Thank you, My children. My Motherly Blessing I give you, with My mantle of protection, confidence and trust in God I cover you. May the Almighty God, Our Father, grant you the protection of His Holy Angels. I ask this for each one of you who pays homage to Me. So be it. Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all God's children." "My child. Prefer the message 'Rosary Pilgrimage' because it can still be rendered by many other faithful and explain what a Rosary Pilgrimage is." "The joy in your hearts will be great! Set out and venerate Our Venerable Mother in this special way every May. Your Jesus with Bonaventure and the Saints." ______________________________________________________________ Anleitung zur Rosenkranzwallfahrt:
The 3 rosaries of Our Lady are prayed: the joyful, the sorrowful and the glorious rosary.
A rosary on the way there.
A rosary in Our Lady's shrine (this can be a church - even the one next door, combined with a "pilgrim" walk - a chapel, a monastery, a place of pilgrimage, ... where Our Lady is venerated)
A rosary on the way back.
You can go on pilgrimage in a group or alone.
In a group: one prays the rosary aloud together during the journey or the pilgrimage, then in Our Lady's place silently (out of respect for Our Lady as well as other visitors) and kneeling - if that is possible.
Alone: One prays on the journey or pilgrimage loudly or quietly, as each one wishes, in Our Lady's place again quietly (out of respect for Our Lady as well as other visitors) and kneeling - if that is possible.
Source: ➥