Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Whoever does not decide for My Son, only the counterpart of paradise remains for him: hell!
- Message No. 127 -

My child. Sit down with Me. Listen to what I have to say to the world: Whoever does not open himself to My Son, whoever does not revere HIM, whoever does not give HIM the honor due to HIM as the only begotten Son of God, will bar himself from entering the New Jerusalem, the Paradise created and prepared for ALL God's children by God our Father, the Most High, and Eternal Life in peace and glory will not be given to him. He will suffer for eternity, because the devil will take possession of his soul, and there will be no way out for him, because whoever does not decide for My Son, only the counterpart of paradise remains for him: hell.
My children. My beloved children. Do not fall for the lies that Satan spreads: Life after physical death continues, for your soul can never die. After the "earthly life" comes the eternal, and there is the Kingdom of Heaven or Hell provided for you by God. There is nothing material anymore, as you know it from your earth. There is the paradise of love, in the kingdom of God the Father, where joy, bliss and fulfillment refresh your soul, and there is hell, the greatest of all torments that you can inflict on your soul.
So whoever does not decide for Jesus, your Savior, whoever does not give HIM his YES during his lifetime on earth, automatically decides for Satan and hell, because whoever does not make a decision, does not give Jesus his YES, which HE needs to be able to take you with Him into His Kingdom.
So wake up and give your YES to Jesus! Trust in HIM in ALL matters, also the earthly-everyday ones. Surrender yourselves completely to HIM with body, mind and soul, and a wonderful change will take place in you, and the love of God the Father and His Holy Son will be given to you already now, during your earthly lifetime.
Wake up! Come all to Jesus, My Son!
ALL children of this earth I, the Mother of ALL children of God, call you to come to Jesus, My Son, and great will be the joy in your hearts as soon as you have given yourselves to HIM, given HIM your YES.
So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Source: ➥