Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, April 22, 2013
The strongest weapon against all the evil in your world is and remains prayer
- Message No. 111 -

My child. My dear child. I rejoice because the number of those who find their way to Us is increasing day by day.
My beloved children. The strongest weapon against all the evil in your world is and remains prayer. Through the power of your prayers, day by day numerous souls are being converted, and the multitude of God's children who join My Son is rapidly increasing.
Keep praying, little children, for it is through the prayers of all of you that My Son, with His Holy Spirit and the consent of God the Father, the Most High, is reaching so many souls. Thus, millions and millions of souls now have the chance to enter the New Jerusalem together with you and with My Son and live there for eternity, in love, happiness and joy, glory and peace!
My children. It is wonderful to watch your diligent work. More and more you give yourselves to My Son, more and more you come closer to Him, your beloved Jesus. The reward of each soul will be great, and many of you already feel the numerous miracles that My Son gives you, because He loves His children above all and has closed each one in His Redeemer's heart.
You, My beloved children, are the reason for all the suffering that My Holy Son, Jesus Christ, took upon Himself. It is all of you that He wants to take with Him to the beautiful new world of peace. He wants to lead you back into the Holy Arms of God the Father, who created each one of you with the most intimate love, and eagerly desires your return to His Kingdom. A Kingdom created for eternity, which can be reached without physical death, because when on the day of great joy My Son Jesus comes to you, from heaven high with all the signs, HE will fight for each one of you, free his soul from the clutches of the evil one and push him, the evil one and his followers, into the lake of fire. Then, My dear children, the time of the new era dawns, where heaven merges with earth and Jesus, My beloved Son, leads you, who have given HIM your allegiance through these difficult times and those who have confessed HIM, into the New Jerusalem, the Paradise, created by God Our Creator, for all His children to live together in peaceful eternity.
Rejoice, My beloved children, for soon this era will dawn. Only those who turn away from My Son will not be taken. All of you who before that day confess HIM, truly confess with all the consequences, will be worthy to enter there to receive the greatest of all gifts.
Return, then, to My Son while time still permits. He who does not prepare himself for My Son and these times will not reach the gate of the New Jerusalem.
Believe, My children, believe in My Son and trust, for then prophecy will be fulfilled for you also, and eternal peace will be yours.
So be it.
Your beloved Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all the children of God.
Amen, I say this to you: Whoever does not confess Me, I will not be able to save him, Whoever turns his back on Me will be lost.
But whoever gives Me his YES, I deliver him from all evil, whoever truly loves Me, to him I give My glory.
So be it.
Your Jesus.
Source: ➥