Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Everything agrees with what was prophesied thousands of years ago.
- Message No. 88 -

My child. I, your Saint Joseph, am here and I want to speak with you. Come, My child, sit down with Me.
My Son, Jesus Christ, will free all His beloved children on the day of great joy from the clutches of the Evil Group, instigated by Satan, for centuries now, to bring about this misery on your so beautiful earth. It is impossible for many of you to understand that there is such evil. Many believe in nothing and who believes in nothing, denies the existence of evil, of Satan, who brings you all this evil of today and of all times.
My children. If you believe in nothing, you are easy prey for the evildoer. You must begin to listen again to the teachings of God. Believe in My Son and believe in the Bible. What is written there is red-hot also in your present time and ESPECIALLY in this time in which you live, because the prophecies of the end times are what is happening on earth TODAY!
My children. Wake up! Read what is written and listen to what Jesus and His Holy Mother have to tell you through all the seer children in your world. Everything agrees with what was prophesied thousands of years ago.
Our Lady: "Why do so many of Our beloved children not want to see this? Do not close yourselves to the truth, but stand up and convert. Follow Our Son, Jesus Christ and be good to one another."
Whoever is pure in heart will enter the New Paradise and love and peace will be his reward, but whoever thinks he can sleep on, denying the existence of Jesus and His Father, God Most High, who loves you everywhere, will have a rude awakening, for on the day My Son comes up from heaven - with all the signs - they will stand before a closed door and will not be allowed to enter the New Paradise, created for all God's children. Excluded from the Kingdom of Peace they will fall victim to damnation, because the day will come when there will be only ONE decision for the salvation of your everlasting soul, that is the YES to Jesus. Who does not give HIM his YES, is lost to the devil and steers himself into the abyss of hell.
Wake up, dear children, wake up! Find (again) to Jesus, before it is too late, so that also you may enter the inheritance promised to you, there, where heaven and earth unite, with My Son in paradise, the New Jerusalem created for you.
My children. I love you very much, but My heart is deeply saddened by those of you who turn your backs on Us, on all of Heaven. As Mary, My beloved Mary, told you yesterday, you must NOT believe in hell, otherwise you are heading straight for it. This great mistake that the "society of today" is committing will be its downfall. Without faith and respect for your Creator, only disaster can come upon you.
Dear children. Jesus, My beloved Son, entrusted by God the Father to Me, your Saint Joseph, wants to take each one of you to His New Kingdom. Believe in Him! Look forward to HIM! Give all your sorrow and joy to HIM and trust in HIM! For He loves every child of God and cares for each one of you who desires it, who asks Him for it. So, dear children, all of you come to Jesus and look forward to a life in peace and joy and to the unspeakable love that Jesus wants to give you.
Come, My children, come! Our joy is great when just one soul finds its way to Us, consider how great Our joy will be when all God's children find their way back to Us, to Jesus and God the Father.
With deep love.
Your Saint Joseph.
Our Lady: My child. The communion of saints is ready for you all and awaits you and your prayers with open hearts. All that you ask for others, they immediately carry to the Holy Throne of God the Father. Your prayers will thus be made even more powerful, and the harvest will be great. Thank you, My beloved children.
I love you from the depths of My Mother's Heart.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children.
Source: ➥