Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, March 29, 2013
- 3rd Good Friday message
- Message No. 80 -

Rejoice in beautiful things, but do not let them rule your life My child. My dear child. It is a great pity that you are all so confused and unsettled in your present time. You have so many things to choose from, but instead of being happy, it makes you even more dissatisfied and confused. You can't really concentrate on anything anymore, so big, so confusing are the influences from outside, the overabundance of your world today, which - instead of bringing you relief - causes you harm.
Those who have little often live happier than those of you who can draw from excess. The one who lives secluded is usually happier in nature and with the little he has - little in the eyes of the children of the city, because that is where the excess is greatest. But you bring many "temptations" into your house via television, Internet and newspapers. Therefore, whoever does not have all this, does not know about all this, does not lack it, because it is nothing that is necessary for life. You may enjoy beautiful things, but do not let them determine your life. Rather, distance yourselves from this seduction of consumption, for it will not bring you real joy.
A happy person needs little for his life, he is frugal and enjoys what he has. A God-filled person is self-sufficient, for he trusts in God and draws from His riches. He is filled with love and happiness, contentment is reflected in him and his life. He knows the world, but he does not need it, and yet he can live in it with great joy and confidence.
My children, love for My Son will give you this fulfillment. If you trust in Him, your Jesus, really trust deeply, you will feel more and more how this fulfillment takes a place in you. This is a beautiful process, and it makes you happy. The everyday "trappings" will become less important, because you are (now) solidified in Jesus, My Son.
To live such a life is to live a life in fullness of the riches of God. There is nothing more "restful" than that for you. No spa day, no adventure vacation or whatever else you come up with as a "recreational program" can give you what My Son has in store for you.
My children, try it! Come to Him! Let yourselves fall in Him! Live your life connected with Him! You will become happy and fulfilled people, and your life will get a new meaning.
My children. My dear children. Jesus is waiting for you. Open your hearts to Him and get to know the love that He is ready to give to each one of you.
I love you.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Source: ➥