Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, March 29, 2013
- 2nd Good Friday Message.
- Message No. 79 -

My not so joyful message My child. Those who have been following it will have seen that things are changing in the city whose name I will not mention.
The man highly praised by media, who has taken the Holy See, brings many innovations for the Christian world. As you know, these do NOT come from My Son, because neither has he been chosen by HIM, nor is he enlightened by the Holy Spirit. His connections are others and come exclusively from the dark side. Unfortunately, there are many children who are deep believers who follow him. They let themselves be blinded by the positive reports of the media and hope for an innovation of the Catholic Church by this man, so that also the unbelieving children find to Her, the Catholic Church.
This is the plan of the "evil group". They build on your hopes, skillfully exploit them to make you blind to their real intentions, and thus catch you with the simplest ease, because you run after them FREELY, believing that this is the true Church of My Son.
My children, watch out, because this man and his group are NOT ordained by My Son. They worship evil and are up to no good. They are after power and control, they want to have everything for themselves and they know how to camouflage it perfectly, because their influence can be found in all circles, and they have long since dominated the media and the Internet, i.e. all your technologies that you access every day, and which find great recognition among most of you.
Your network world is completely transparent, your data is sold to the highest bidders, your whole life is traceable in forums of the virtual world, and even your correspondence is in this way not only to follow, but also to see for many, and I do not speak here of so-called "hackers". You make yourselves transparent people, completely transparent, always to be "located" by "smartphones" (smart phones) and "GPS" (navigation systems) and thus completely transparent for those who want evil. Having control over you is easy for them, and they build their plans on that.
It will not be long before many of you will realize all this. Your only salvation from the clutches of these evil ones is My Son. Therefore believe in Him! Turn to Him! Pray to HIM! And build up a relationship with HIM! Whoever is connected to My Son will NOT fall for this group of the evil one! You will follow HIM and not a hypocrite! Come, My children, come to Jesus, because only HE can save you from all the evil plans of these unscrupulous people! Believe in OUR word, which We have given you at all times, and remain faithful to My Son! Whoever does not do this, whoever blindly follows the Antichrist, will not fare well. Stay with Jesus and do not listen to the false prophet who has spread in Rome.
I, your Mother in Heaven, will warn you again and again about him, so that none of Our children will be lost! Jesus, My Son, gives you extraordinary graces. The greatest will soon be felt by all His children. Therefore, remain faithful to HIM and pray for clarity so that you do not fall prey to the beast by running after him.
Stay with Jesus and soon, very soon, you will be delivered from His enemies to enter with Him into the New Jerusalem.
I love you with all My motherly love. Your Mother in Heaven.
Thank you, My child, for writing for Me. I love you.
Source: ➥