Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, March 25, 2013
Your world is out of joint.
- Message No. 73 -

My child. My dear child. Sleep well and rest. The conditions in your world are catastrophic. Have courage and trust. Trust in My Son. Then all will be well, My child.
I love you. Sleep well. Your Mother in Heaven.
Your world is out of joint.
My child. Your world is out of joint. There is no stability at all. One catastrophe after another is rushing upon you, and you don't know how to become "master of the situation." This is the time foretold to you, when the Antichrist appears as the "righteous man." Take good care, My beloved children, because the chaos that dominates you will become even greater and then, when it threatens to "explode", the man who has been announced to you will make his appearance as a great savior and peacemaker.
My children. Do not fall for him. He is an impostor, sent by the evil one to steal your souls. He pretends to be your friend and helper, but in reality he wants to catch you. Be on your guard! He is the greatest enemy of Jesus, come to push you, My beloved children, into the lake of fire, because he wants to keep you away from Jesus and steal your life with Him in paradise. So be warned, My dear children, because this man will take possession of your souls. He will sneak up on you like a poisonous snake, cajole you and lull you with charm, with concession, with supposedly divine miracles, and then bite you to inject you with his deadly poison.
Those of you who are vigilant will recognize his aims. You will be able to draw the connections and know that neither he nor his allies are up to any good. Nevertheless, watch out and remain in prayer. Pray for your brothers and sisters and remain in unity with Jesus. In this way you will escape the clutches of the evil one and the poison of the serpent will have no effect on you. Believe, My beloved children. Believe in Jesus and remain faithful to Him! Only He will give you what your soul really longs for! Come to Him, all of you, because then, only then, you can know the New Jerusalem. Only then will Jesus take you and lead you into eternal peace.
I love you, My dear children. Your Saint Joseph.
Source: ➥