Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Love "pure" will reign.
- Message No. 67 -

My Dear Child. Tell the world that We love all Our children and that We are doing everything to take each one of them to the New World. There, where heaven and earth merge, there will be room for each one of you. There will be no more hunger that keeps your present world so much in "check" and no more evil machinations. Love will reign "pure", and each one of you will feel and be this love. This is difficult, if at all, for you to understand at the present time, because your world is dominated by duality: evil against good and via versa. Evil, as you all know, My beloved children, has taken over. Your "balance" has been disturbed for a long time and also God the Father never wanted this "duality". Intended for all His children from the beginning was a life in true joy, in happiness, in security, in a Divine "lightness" (to describe it in your words today), in which you should never experience evil. You should live in harmony with God the Father.
What is happening in your world today is not in line with what God the Father wanted for His children: a Healed, God-trusting world in the Garden of Eden!
What you have today is the beginning of the end, therefore, My so beloved children, now is the time to wake up and prepare for all that is coming. Those who remain in their "rigidity" will not know the New World, the Kingdom of My Son. You must stand up and give your YES! Your Yes to My Son, Jesus Christ, otherwise you will suffer deeply and terribly.
My beloved children. I, your Mother in Heaven, have been sent to "wake up" all of you. Hear Me, My beloved ones, and follow Me on the path of glory. For, he who hears Me and walks with Me, I lead him to My Son.
I love you. Have faith in Me. Your beloved Mother in Heaven.
Jesus: My beloved daughter. My Mother has been given this time, in which She comes to you again and again, to reach as many children of God as possible. Believe in Her and follow Her, then you will find your way to Me, your Savior, for I will take you with Me on the day of great joy.
Come all to Me, your Jesus, so no child of the earth can be lost, and together we enter My Kingdom where there is no sorrow, worry, sickness or sadness.
I love you so much. Your Jesus.
Thank you, My child, for writing for Us.
Source: ➥