Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, March 1, 2013
What are you waiting for? See the signs of the times
- Message No. 45 -

My child. My dear child. I love you and I protect you. Live love, My children, and do EVERYTHING out of love, even the things that are difficult for you. Love one another as Jesus and God the Father love you, and never lose sight of the path of Divine Light. Whoever aspires to God will do good, even if he (who aspires) may find it difficult at first. But if you, My beloved children, always keep God the Father before your eyes, the way to Him, to His love, then you will find that even the unpleasant trifles of everyday life can be done by you in love, and by becoming more and more aware of it, you will be able to do these things in love without much effort on your part.
My beloved children. Every beginning is arduous, because it requires a change from you, or in this case, in you. We will help you if you ask Us. A host of saints and angels are at your side, so much does God the Father love you. He wants each one of you, His so beloved creatures, to find your way back to Him, and ever new help He provides for you.
My children. My dear children. Do not wait any longer. Convert yourselves. Go the way of goodness. Stay away from everything that harms your soul. That is any sin that you must avoid. If you find this difficult, call upon Us! We are there for you! We are waiting for you to allow Us to help you! Please call Us so that We can do that, to walk the path of Divine Light together with each one of you.
My children. I love you and it is because of this love that I appear to many children of your present earth time so that as many of you as possible can be reached. My Son, Jesus, and God the Father, the Most High, gave their consent to My presence to chosen souls here on earth. These are Our messengers. The messengers of the end times and at the same time of the new times, because as soon as this world of yours comes to an end, you will enter a new peaceful world, ruled by My Son. Until this can happen, a hard struggle is still necessary: the struggle for souls.
Satan does not want to give up his power and now tries to draw as many souls as possible to his side. The misery on earth is getting bigger and bigger. More and more children of God are suffering. Only those who convert to Jesus can be saved and enter the new world. All souls who profess Satan or simply reject My Son will not know the New World. You will then remain in suffering and misery and will be deeply humiliated and ridiculed and ultimately tormented forever.
Do not block your way to eternity, My dear children. Consider how you would like to live: In peace and love, full of fulfillment and joy or in desolation, misery, agony and torment. The latter is what Satan has in store for every stolen soul.
You unbelievers believe! The time is too short and the decision is urgent. You save your soul as soon as you start the way to My Son and God the Father. Wait no longer and do not give yourselves away to the evil one. Whoever does not make a decision will perish. Be aware of this!
My dear children. Wake up! Pray daily! Seek confession and begin to repent of your sins! You have already received help for the purification of your soul here on earth in several messages from Our beloved daughter, who took upon herself this service to help save you. Keep to Our word! Live by it! And spread it! In this way you too can help save your families, your friends and many other souls! Come to Jesus, My Son! Say YES to Him!
My children, My beloved children. Everyone who turns to Us, We help, everyone who comes to Us and confesses My Son will be saved. What are you still waiting for? See from the signs of the times that your earth has no chance of survival as it is at present. There must be a change and the change will come! Now you have the chance to get on the side, the way of good. Begin, My beloved children, take the first step! We await you with great joy!
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
My child. Keep spreading Our Word. Do not be afraid. Even in the darkest times, We will continue to speak to you and appear to you. Thank you for responding to Our call.
Your ever loving Mother in Heaven.
Source: ➥