Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Free yourselves from the cloak of deception of matter!
- Message No. 37 -

My child. Sit down with Me. It is I, your Mother in Heaven.
My Son suffered greatly on the cross. He did this out of love for you, My children. He loves each one of you so much. His supreme desire is that all His beloved children find their way to Him. For this, He gives you the entrance to paradise. He loves you with all His Divine Being and prays at the throne of His Father, God of the Most High, day and night for you, My beloved children. He knows how painful life can be. Not only painful physically, but especially painful spiritually. He has experienced, suffered all this in His short life here with you on earth, and He wants you to be well. Therefore, He asks forgiveness for you from God, because He wants you to experience mercy and not punishment.
Convert to Him, My beloved children. Stay away from sin and give Him, Jesus Christ, your Savior, your YES to Him, so that you may become happy and freed from the cloak of deception of matter with which the devil ensnares you like a spider that stabs out its poisonous sting after you. This is the goal of the devil: to ensnare you, to flatter you, to capture you and to make you blind to the truth until you are thoroughly contaminated and voluntarily decide for him and the way of evil. The poisonous thorn, which he bores into your soul, you do not perceive before loud superficial happiness moments at all.
Don't you see how wrong it is to always want to have more? Where do you want to take it all with you? At the end of your days you go alone from this world. Everything material has not the slightest value. Only spiritual treasures you can take with you, a pure heart, that leads you to eternity and to God the Father. This, your last journey, you cannot pay for with money and gold. Wake up, My beloved children. Confess Jesus, because only through Him you can reach eternal life. Only with Him can you enter the Kingdom of Heaven. He is your ticket for the journey to paradise.
My beloved children. Turn back. Believe in My Son and live according to the commandments of God. If you find this difficult, We will help you to do it through prayer, because We love you all! Each and every one of you! Remain faithful to Jesus, give Him your YES again and again, and your life will become much more beautiful. God's will be done, not the will of each one of you. This can only end in chaos. Only God knows what you need for all of you to be well. Let Him act. Open yourselves to Him and you will be richly blessed.
My children. My dear children. Pray, pray, pray. We love you very much.
Your Mother in Heaven Prayer No. 10: - Prayer for knowledge of what is good and true
My Lord and Father. Help me to orient my life completely to You. Keep always before me what is Your will, and let me act accordingly. Forgive me even now for anything I may do wrong, and send me Your Holy Spirit so that I may know what is good and true. Thank You, dear Father. Amen Prayer No.11: - Prayer of Protection
Lord, because I am helpless in this world, send me Your Holy Helpers, that they may guide and protect me on my way to You. Do not let me fall into temptations, but help me to remain strong. Send me Your Holy Angels to protect me from injustice and harm. Jesus, stay with me always, so that I may find my way to You, my beloved Savior. Mary, Mother of all God's children, crush the serpent before it can come to me. I love you. Amen.
Both prayers are very important and full of power to find and stay on the right path. Pray the prayer of protection, especially those of you who have not had so much experience with us. It is a powerful prayer that works silent miracles.
Always believe in Us, My beloved children.
Your Mother in Heaven
Source: ➥