Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Give your children the food they need!
- Message No. 34 -

My child. My dear child. Sit down with Me. It is I, your Mother in Heaven.
Today was an exhausting but beautiful day for you. You are growing with every step and learning to understand connections. Like you, many of Our beloved children will feel as soon as they receive the nourishment (spiritual) that they so need. The longing in their souls will become greater and greater. Your messages, Our Word, will help them to get such nourishment. It will do them good. And it would be nice if every soul who is open to Us would have access to Our Word. Just think of the poor children who grow up without Us, that is, to whom neither their parents nor society tell them about Us. They are the little suffering souls among you, who are filled up with all your earthly and fictitious garbage. Keep them away from these horrors. Give them good food, that is, teach them about Us. What should such a small, tender soul as your children have, do but what you put before it?
Jesus: Be on your guard, you banal parents who are possessed by matter. Your children will become worse than you if you do not begin to be good to them. This includes education. It takes patience. And above all, love. A love that is allowed to say no when it comes to TV programs, Nintendos, internet and whatever else you use for "distraction". Don't you see how you fill it up with your garbage? Do you not see the fear that is growing in your children? Don't you see the aggression that builds up in you and your children and erupts at the slightest little thing? Give them good food and do not spoil them with hollowness, impatience and unkindness. Love your children and take care of them as you would like to be taken care of. And seek spiritual nourishment for yourselves and your little ones. YOU must take the first step. Begin, for otherwise you and your children will go to the dogs, overrun by Satan's demons, who will laugh uproariously that you have fallen so foolishly and carelessly for their intrigues.
Always remember that you are loved.
God the Father, the Most High, loves every soul and also awaits you, who are reading this now, and your loved ones with open arms. Turn back! I, Jesus, your Savior, will guide you on your way through life, if you let Me. Give Me your YES and call Me daily. I will be there for you and your children, and whomever you take in your supplications, and help you. Come to Me now, My beloved child. I am waiting for you, and I love you. Your Jesus My dear child. My Son calls every soul. He rejoices over them and He loves them. And He awaits them with open arms, as does God, the Most High, Our Father of all.
Make this message known quickly. It can save souls who are on the brink. Help/ assist them in prayer. Pray for the families and also pray especially for the single mothers. They are very close to My Son.
I love you. Your Mother in heaven.
My child. I thank you for responding to My call. Go now and take care of your little daughter. Love her always. You, like all children, are a gift from God. The greatest thing you have.
Thank you.
Source: ➥