Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Wake up, do not be deceived, be ready!
- Message No. 32 -

My child. My dear child. Evil times are breaking. With the resignation of your Pope, who was a true son and Vicar of My Son, Jesus Christ, here on earth, a darkness is dawning that will lead many souls into despair. Pray for these poor souls who do not know how to help themselves alone. Pray for the poor children in Africa who are to be the guinea pigs of the wicked, and pray for yourselves that you may be able to withstand the tribulation that is coming. Events are about to roll over, and you, My dear children, need a lot of trust in God in order not to fall for the antichrist. So many lies will now be sold as the truth, and the unbelieving children of your world will cheer them and rejoice. As soon as you see the Catholic Church opening up, approaching and approving of worldly things, then know what the hour has struck.
My children, My dear children. The time is pressing, and you must be well prepared. Whoever is not strong now, strong in faith to / in Us, will experience hard times.
Dear, dear children. All who are faithful to Us will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. My Son does not abandon you, nor does He lie to you. The Antichrist, on the other hand, will do all that. He will make you believe in eternal faithfulness, assistance and goodwill, but he has only his satanic goals in mind. He will "lull" you with his charismatic manner, and millions will lie at his feet. Wake up, My children! Do not be deceived! Pray, pray, pray! Those who do not pray will find it very, very difficult not to fall for all the lies of the Antichrist.
The prophecies that We have sent you will now be fulfilled. Pray, My children, that the times will be mitigated, for only in this way can you prevent the worst. Confess, My dear children, for only in this way will you be pure for the encounter with My Son, Jesus Christ. Live as if each day were your last, so that you may stand before My Son with a loving heart. Only God, Our Father, knows when it will be, so keep yourselves ready.
I love you very much, My beloved children. Know that I will always be there for you. I am by your side. I protect those who ask Me to do so, and I have the Father's omnipotence to crush the serpent. So stay with Me, My beloved children. Listen to your heart. Call upon the Holy Spirit, for even in the deepest darkness He will give you light and clarity. Pray to St. Michael the Archangel. He stands ready with his army to fight for you, My faithful followers. Always remember that together We are very strong, and that My Son, Jesus Christ, will defeat the adversary.
Get access now to all the prophecies that We have put in your hands. Many do not want to believe in the end times. Wake up! You are already living in it. We will keep you informed, through the "channels" you know. Trust Us! We will guide you through these difficult times and continue to prepare you for everything. We will never abandon you and will continue to instruct you. The crusade prayers are now more important than ever. ( Those who can, pray them. Those who are not yet ready, those who still need time, those who may have just met Us, do not despair now. These prayers are so extensive that they are mainly prayed by Our professional prayers. Whoever wants to, pick out the appropriate one, for whom all this is too much, here We always announce further prayers, which are easy to pray even for beginners. Nevertheless, I would like to point out the importance of the crusade prayers.
My dear children. Do not be afraid. The more you pray, the more you turn to Us and trust Us, the less the devil can carry out his plans. Remember that he has only a short time left here on earth and that you will soon be delivered from all evil. But you must want it and confess My Son, Jesus Christ.
My child. My dear child. So much there is now that I want to say to you, but what is said must first be absorbed and processed by all My dear children, including you. Always remember the end of the road, for there is the light of God waiting for you to enter together with My Son, Jesus Christ, at the end of the days of this world as you know it, to live in eternal joy. As soon as Our Father, God Most High, gives His OK., My Son will come to your earth, and the predicted will be fulfilled.
My children. My beloved children. Look forward to that day, but also be well prepared so that your soul can endure the Divine Light. Free yourselves from sin and purify yourselves (from sin), My beloved children, so that on the Day of Days you can face My Son full of joy. I love you dearly, your Mother in Heaven.
Prayer no. 7 - Prayer to work good
Faithful I will be to You and help You with my prayer. Please accept my goodwill and pass it on to where it is needed. Amen.
My child, whoever says this prayer, thinking of Me and/or of My Son, gives Us a prayer that We can use at will where We need it. It can be for a situation, for a soul, for an intention and much more. Without knowing what you are praying for directly, this prayer does good where We take it. It is a very simple way to do good without worrying about what to pray for. Your prayer will arrive exactly where it is most needed.
Thank you, My children.
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