Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Find your sanctified place of silence.
- Message No. 30 -

My dear daughter. It is I, your crucified Jesus.
Mother of God: My child. My dear child. My Son died for you on the cross so that you might obtain eternal life. Much He suffered, much He still suffers today. You, My children, do not have to suffer. Confess My Son, your Redeemer, and find peace in your hearts. Your life here on earth is only a PREPARATION for what is yet to come. You are as if in exile, and your return is eagerly awaited. You are the outcast children of Adam and Eve, who earned the right to finally return home. All you have to do is start on the path to God the Father, your Creator. We will help you at all the "stumbling blocks" that the Adversary puts in front of you, and we will guide you safely and with great joy into the arms of your Father.
Dear children, wake up and pray. For yourselves and for your fellow brothers and sisters. Never give up searching for the truth and defend it (the truth). Many lies are now and have already been spread. More and more will be spread to lead you, My beloved children, astray and into the net of the adversary. Wake up! Listen to your heart. Ask for help every day. Whoever asks will be heard. Whoever has the opportunity, seek out Our Holy Places. You, My child, have your place of silence. There you "refuel." There you find clarity. My dear children, you too find your sacred place and enter into silence with Us. "In silence is strength," a true word to find Us. Only those who shut down their everyday life for once and enter into silence will be able to communicate with Us. So do not distract yourselves, My children. Take the first step now. We will help you on your way.
Your beloved Jesus and your loving Mother in Heaven.
Prayer No. 5 - Prayer for guidance and silence
Jesus, help me on the way to You. Help me to find You. Give me silence in my daily life, and show me the way that I may become worthy to begin my inheritance with You. Amen.
This is a simple prayer for all My children who wish to attain eternal life in great joy and bliss. Whoever prays it will be heard.
Your Jesus in harmony with God the Father, your Creator who loves you.
Source: ➥