Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
You are created for eternity!
- Message No. 26 -

My child, My sunshine, My beloved daughter, sleep well, and rest. You are Our child. We love you. Go now, My daughter. All of Us are with you. Our Lady prays with her children. Jesus is teaching them. I look upon all My dear creatures. You are important to Me, My beloved children, whether in heaven or on earth. For all of you I take care and make efforts, because I want you to be well. My beloved daughters and sons. My dear, dear children.
Jesus: You were created for eternity, and whoever comes to Me has eternal life. Come, all of you, and love one another as I love you. Together we will go to My Father, who is also your Father. Where I lead you, there will be no more suffering. No one will suffer hunger or sadness anymore. There will be no more pain, but love, joy and bliss. It will go well with you, as well as you are not able to guess it. And you will experience love and joy as you have not known it before. I am salvation, I am the Son of Man, died for you to redeem you. Pure from sin am I, the Merciful Son of God, who will take you back to Paradise....
Come to Me, My dear children. I love you. Your Jesus and God the Father, the Most High.
My child, you are tired. Continue writing tomorrow. Thank you for taking the time.
Sleep now, My child.
I love you.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Source: ➥