Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, February 1, 2013
Do not interfere with God's creation.
- Message No. 23 -

My child, My dear child. Today I come to you with all My small and great angels. Many children are with you. They are the children not wanted by your society. They are happy with Me. They play together. But they also see their mothers suffering. They pray for them and look forward to meeting them someday in heaven. For the mothers of these children, it will be like a terrible shock, a huge horror, when they leave the earth and realize what they have done. My child. Abortion is - and will always remain - a mortal sin. Nevertheless, tell all mothers to convert. So they still have a chance to know their dear children.
God the Father completes every aborted baby. They all go to heaven. They are all with Me, My dear child. Those of you who are converted will see your children again. These dear little ones are looking forward to seeing you. Do not harm them further by continuing to close your eyes and your hearts to the truth. The only way, is the way with God, and the only truth is My Son. Believe in You. All your suffering will be taken away from you, and the further you go towards Her, the less suffering can still happen to you. You think it is a great mystery, but question those who walk this path. He who trusts in God is never alone, and he who builds on God builds on stone. Wake up, My children. Wake up you dear mothers.
And to you girls, you pure beings, I want to say, do only what you feel right in your heart. Don't do anything because it is "IN" right now, or because "EVERYONE DOES IT", or because it is "COOL". Stay with yourself and listen to your heart. Don't be talked into anything and stay pure as you are. You do NOT have to have a boyfriend and you don't need "SEX" to be balanced. All of this is a stupid lie that is being "INPUT" to you. You do not need to belong to such "people". Stay with yourselves, My children, and listen to your heart. If you stay with yourselves, only then will you find the people who fit you, and they will be people who, just like you, stayed with yourselves and listened to their heart. If you then, if you are really mature for it, find your partner, then you can create your own family together in deep love and connection, where you look forward to your children!
Don't block your way, not you, My dear girls, and also not you, My dear boys, because exactly the same applies to you. Do not think that you are uninvolved in this terrible state of your world. If you conceive a child and then allow abortion, you are guilty of mortal sin.
Wake up, you men who push away responsibility. You are complicit! He who begets a child must bear the responsibility!
My beloved daughter. Share this with the world. The abortions must stop. You must stand up and say NO! Whoever does not do this, whoever speaks out FOR this, is not worthy to enter My Father's Kingdom of Heaven. No circumstance can justify abortion. Only God, Our Father, gives life and ends it here on earth. Only He knows the time. Only He is all-powerful. Do not interfere with My Father's creation. You must not. Come to Me, My children, if you want to. Never will I send you away or scold you, but take you in My arms and comfort you.
God the Father: repent, My dear daughters and sons, for then, only then, will you also find the way to Me, your Father.
We thank you, Our dear child, for your time and writing down Our Word. We love you, and We love all children, even the greatest sinners among you. Come to Us, all of you, and you will feel joy again. A joy that is not of this world and that you, My child, My daughter, have already known. Tell the world that We exist, and tell them that We are waiting for them. No sin is so great that it cannot be forgiven. Except the one that goes against the Holy Spirit.
My dear daughter, spread this message, and tell all the mothers who repent and have attained a free heart through long purification that their joy will be overwhelming when they can hold their little ones in their arms for the first time.
Go now, My child. We are always with you. We love you.
Your Jesus, your loving Mother in Heaven and God the Father, the Most High.
Thank you, My child.
Source: ➥