Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, September 17, 2022
Saturday, September 17, 2022

Saturday, September 17, 2022:
Jesus said: “My son, you heard in the Gospel ‘What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and then lose his soul? In some of the more modern translations, they have changed soul to life. But the soul is eternal, while your physical life is temporary and you return to dust. I did not die on the cross to save your mortal lives that will be no more, but I died to save your immortal souls that last forever. So it is everyone’s goal to use My graces of My sacraments to work to save your own soul with My help. This is why I have encouraged you to keep a clean soul through frequent Confession because you do not know when you will die, or when I will return. With a clean soul you will always be ready and worthy of meeting Me at your judgment. You do not want to be found in mortal sin at your judgment when you could risk going to hell. I love all of you and I want you to love Me as the center of your lives. If you want to be on the path to heaven, then every day consecrate everything you do for My glory, and do not be boastful of any of your earthly accomplishments. Come to daily Mass and pray your daily rosaries. You are to love your neighbor as yourself, so reach out to help your neighbor in good works. Your best gift is to share your faith in evangelizing souls in My sacraments so they can help save their souls. Saving souls from hell is your most important goal in life. Trust in My grace to save your soul and the souls of others.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing another sign of the end times when you see the devil and the evil ones attack My Church from without and from within. Just as you see many churches being burned down in Canada, so you will be seeing the same destruction in America. You are also seeing attacks by the pro-death people who are holding protests right in church at Mass because of the Supreme Court decision against Row v. Wade that was overturned. Some churches are also being attacked for standing up against abortion and euthanasia. Within the priesthood there have been some pedophile priests who had to be put out, and the lawyers have brought many lawsuits against the Church that costs millions of dollars. In some cases the dioceses have had to declare bankruptcy. More recently, during the Covid shutdown, a lot of your churches were shutdown so you were locked out of Mass and Confession. You had to view your daily Mass on the internet, but you could only have a spiritual Communion. Even now, you have seen a cut in the number of people who come to Sunday Mass as a result of the Covid scare. The bishops were threatened with thousands of dollars in fines, if they opened their churches during Covid. Be prepared for more serious attacks on My churches, when they will force parishes to pay land taxes and your government may shutdown your churches with a new pandemic virus. Trust in Me when it will be difficult to find a church open, when you will need to come to My refuges for Mass with a faithful priest.”
Source: ➥