Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, July 2, 2022
Saturday, July 2, 2022

Saturday, July 2, 2022:
Jesus said: “My people, be thankful that you have fuel to power your power plants that provide your electricity, because at some time your power will be shut down. Some people cannot believe that your electricity will stop, but you know the Antichrist will have his reign. This means your country will be taken over, and evil will have its day. My faithful will be called to My refuges before the coming tribulation. You are living in the pre-tribulation days which will be ending in My time when the tribulation will begin. Be prepared to come to My refuges when I give you My inner locution. Your refuge life will be much different than your life now, and you will be fortunate to have some electricity from your solar panels.”
Jesus said: “My people, during your Covid shutdown, your parents got a chance to see all of the liberal ideas, as common core and sex education that your children were being brainwashed with. Your school books are distorting your American history and there is no word about Me in these courses. It is up to the parents to help teach your children about the faith and My sacraments. After seeing all of the liberal brainwashing, more parents are doing home schooling where their children are better prepared for life, and they know more about Me. The liberal teachers’ unions have pushed so many liberal ideas into your children, that they no longer think for themselves, but are molded into accepting communist ideas. You have a Democratic Republic, but your children rarely get taught the principles of freedom, and how your Constitution works in your three branches of government. Keep teaching your children about the faith and their prayers, and correct any errors that you see the teachers are making. The communists have infiltrated your school system, your churches, and your family values. You need to stand up and take back your God given freedoms, and teach your children to do the same.”
Source: ➥