Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Wednesday, June 8, 2022
Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Wednesday, June 8, 2022:
Jesus said: “My people, Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal to see whether God or Baal would send down fire on the sacrifice of the bull. So I sent fire down on Elijah’s altar to show the people by a miracle how I was their Lord. The people then declared: ‘The Lord is God.’ I even showed miracles to My people and the apostles to help their faith. The most impressive miracle is when I rose from the dead, because death had no hold on Me. I have conquered death and sin with My one sacrifice. Now you no longer need to sacrifice animals because I have made reparation for all of mankind’s sins. I even perform a miracle at every Sacrifice of the Mass, when I transform the bread and wine into My Body and Blood by the words of the priest at the Consecration. Believe in My Real Presence in My Eucharist that you receive at every Mass. I feed My spiritual gifts to all of My believers with My consecrated Hosts. Give praise and thanks to Me for all that I do for all of you.”
Jesus said: (∥) “My people, it was fortunate there were marshals guarding Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh’ s house earlier because a deranged man wanted to kill him. This potential assassin even admitted to police that he intended to kill Justice Kavanaugh, and he had a gun. The Democrats are encouraging a protest at Justice Kavanaugh’s house, even though it is a crime to (∦)(∥) harass a Supreme Court justice. You are seeing a physical threat to your Constitution laws to try and change the decision of a Supreme Court Justice. If you cannot protect your institutions, then the Democrats are showing you how little they care that laws are being violated. The evil of these people has no bounds, and you could even see a civil war if such law breaking is allowed. Pray for calm among your people, instead of all of the hate speech and violence coming from the left.” (∦)
Source: ➥