Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Monday, February 7, 2022
Monday, February 7, 2022

Monday, February 7, 2022:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you read how Solomon had a large Temple built to store the Ark of the Covenant in the Holy of Holies with the tablets of Moses in the Ten Commandments. This tabernacle was a holy place where the smoke of God resided. Today, at every Mass you have My sacred Presence in My Blessed Sacrament when the priest consecrates the bread and wine into My Body and Blood. The priest then stores the consecrated Hosts in a locked tabernacle. My Sacred Presence is in every tabernacle which makes My churches holy, and different from any other church denomination. Treasure your opportunity to receive Me worthily into your soul every time that you receive Me at Mass. I give you strength through My sacramental Presence so you can fight off evil temptations, and I give you your spiritual food for your soul. Give love and respect for Me by genuflecting or bowing before My tabernacle. I have My Real Presence in every consecrated Host.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of how your people were being forced to get Covid shots and boosters, or they would lose their jobs. Some people have quit their jobs, or they retired early to avoid being forced to take the poisonous Covid shots. Doctors are admitting that each shot contains graphene oxide that will reduce your immune system. The first shot reduces your immune system by 30%. The second and third shots can reduce your immune system by up to 80%. When such a person is faced with the flu, many will die, especially those who have compromised health to begin with. The plan of the one world people is to use viruses and shots to purposely reduce the population. People were asking if the shots are so bad, then why are we not seeing more deaths? There are more deaths, only the media is covering up this information from the harm the shots are causing. The fact is that more people are dying between the ages of 18 and 64, when this should be the healthier part of your people. One life insurance company has reported a 40% increase in deaths over the last few quarters for this age group of 18 to 64. Some may ask what is the reason for so many deaths among the young people? You are finally seeing an increase in deaths because of the poisonous Covid shots which I have been warning people not to take. I told you that the more shots you take, the worse it would affect your health. So now this life insurance company and the frontline doctors are telling you the same threat to your lives that the poisonous Covid shots are doing to your bodies. Refuse to take these shots and refuse to use the contaminated Covid tests that are rigged to give false positive results. No job is worth killing your body. Trust in Me and your Good Friday oil to heal the vaccinated people. Your natural immunity is far better at fighting diseases than the Covid shots that do not prevent you from getting the Covid disease. Follow My instructions, or you could be one of these death statistics.”
Source: ➥