Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, January 30, 2022
Sunday, January 30, 2022

Sunday, January 30, 2022:
Our Lady said: “My dear children, you just had an anniversary of your Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion in America. When I appeared to Juan Diego at Guadalupe in Mexico City, I gave this miracle of my image on his tilma of a pregnant Indian girl. This was given so the Indians would stop offering their babies up to their gods, which killed many children. Now, you are offering up your babies to the gods of convenience and pleasure in abortion, and you need to stop killing God’s little ones, just as I wanted the Indians to stop killing their babies. In the beginning of your first reading, it speaks of how you were knit in your mother’s womb and I knew you before you were born. Recently, you were shown another miracle of Light forming a fetus shape on the original Guadalupe miracle tilma in Mexico City. This is another sign to you to stop killing your babies. Pray for your Supreme Court to overturn this Roe vs Wade decision so you can stop this killing of babies, or your country will suffer much punishment.”
N.B. This image can be found on under Guadalupe miracle.
Source: ➥