Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, January 20, 2022
Thursday, January 20, 2022

Thursday, January 20, 2022: (St. Fabian)
Jesus said: “My people, I have made man and woman in My image where you have free will choice to choose between the world, or be with Me. You see this fork in the road of life in your vision where you can choose to do evil, or choose to do good. By following My Commandments and coming to monthly Confession, you are showing your love for Me in your obedience to My laws. When people choose earthly pleasures of sin, then they are offending Me by their disobedience to My laws. Choose life and follow My Light that leads you to heaven. I love all of you so much because you are My creations, and I desire that you will love Me and serve Me in this life. Go and teach others to love Me as well by your evangelization efforts, and you will have your reward in heaven.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you another closed church because of more severe restrictions that will close many indoor events, especially for the unvaccinated people. You are seeing many people getting sick from the flu and the Covid omicron sickness. Some are sick in the hospitals and on ventilators. Pray for all of these sick people that they could be healed.”
Jesus said: “My people, the new 5G microwave towers are about 100 times stronger in the emf radiation. This can be used to combine with the graphene oxide from the Covid shots that could possible control people’s behavior because the nano particles are like electrical receivers for the 5G signal. Various diseases could be sent to the people with the Covid shots. Use your Good Friday oil and exorcism water to bless the vaccinated people.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are hearing more stories of people dying from a new bleeding disease in China and Africa. I showed you visions of dead people on the ground that suffered from a deadly bleeding disease. Before this new virus is spread all over the world by the evil ones, I will call My people to My refuges after the Warning and the conversion time. This is why it is important to leave your homes quickly when I call you, so you can be protected from this deadly virus and avoid having the mark of the beast forced on you. Have no fear because I will heal you and My angels will protect you from the evil ones.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing Russian troops, tanks, and jet planes being massed along the Ukrainian border. Putin sees Biden as a weak leader and he could launch an invasion on the Ukraine very soon. It would be difficult to feed and house such a large army, so Putin has to decide whether to invade or not in a short time. This could trigger a war of missiles that could kill many troops and civilians. Pray that such a war does not get started, but be prepared if such a war could get larger.”
Jesus said: “My people, each succeeding year you have been seeing more severe weather and fire destruction. Some fires are started from satellites, and some severe tornadoes and hurricanes are being enhanced by the HAARP machine. This machine can be used to cause earthquakes, and can control jet streams to cause bad weather damage. I am having My angels protect My refuges from storm damage even now. My refuge builders have gone to a lot of expense and work to set up My refuges to house My faithful. So I will not let the evil ones destroy them with their weather making machines even now. Trust in Me and My angels to protect My refuges both now and during the coming tribulation.”
Jesus said: “My people, the best preparation for the Warning is to keep your soul clean with frequent Confession and your daily prayers. You will see your life review and how you stand before Me at your mini-judgment. Keep close to Me in My sacraments and you will have less to suffer in this experience. The Warning will happen in God the Father’s time, so be prepared.”
Jesus said: “My people, you will be seeing threats to your electric grid and more problems getting food at your stores that will have more empty shelves. If the truckers carry out their shutdown, it will be difficult to find food, water, or your fuels. I have mentioned many times that when your lives are in danger, I will call you to the safety of My refuges. My refuge builders need to have everything ready to receive My faithful when I will call them to come. Trust in Me that your guardian angels will lead you to the nearest refuge with a flame and an invisible shield. You have been patiently waiting for these events to happen, but this time of tribulation will truly be your purgatory on earth.”
N.B. A recent report said that Trudeau has backed down and will not force vaccine mandates on the truckers.
Source: ➥