Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Friday, December 18, 2020

Friday, December 18, 2020


Friday, December 18, 2020:

Jesus said: “My people, with all of the theft of your Presidency and your vote fraud, it is unclear how your government is going to go forward. My people need to be prepared to come to My refuges if a war breaks out, or if the communists force a takeover. I am showing you an old chapel where a priest will provide daily Mass at a refuge. You are seeing a lot of threats to your daily lives, but have no fear because I will intervene to protect My faithful. Have courage because you will have to endure a brief tribulation of the Antichrist before I will bring My victory over the evil ones. Trust in Me and My angels to provide for your needs at your refuge.”

Jesus said: “My people, most of your people are focused on buying gifts for your family and friends, and on Santa Claus. Very few people honor Me with crib scenes by their Christmas trees. This season should be celebrating the birth of your Savior because I came to the earth to start My Church and die for your sins. I am the true Light that came into this world so I could share My Word and show you how to follow My ways to heaven. So wish people a Merry Christmas and show your love for Me by focusing on My crib story of Bethlehem. My Light shines in the darkness, as soon you will be seeing longer days with more Light.”

Source: ➥