Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Monday, August 10, 2020

Monday, August 10, 2020


Monday, August 10, 2020: (St. Lawrence)

Jesus said: “My people, when you stand back and you look at your new life with all of your virus precautions, you can see how the one world people have ingrained their control over you. You have never done this for any previous pandemic, and these world leaders are really preparing you for the new world order. They have brain-washed you with face masks and social distancing, so all of you are accepting these orders. There is a drive to produce a vaccine for this virus that is less deadly than the Spanish Flu. This vaccine will be harmful to your immune system, so do not take it even under threat of death. The plan is also to incorporate the computer chip in the body, so they can see if you had this shot. Refuse to take the vaccine and refuse to take any chip in the body. Eventually, they will imprison or kill those people who do not take the vaccine. You know that such vaccines are only about 20-30% effective, but the deep state people will use this to get rid of all the people who refuse this shot. Their goal is total control to prepare the way for the Antichrist’s takeover. Because your lives will be threatened if you do not take the vaccine and the mark of the beast, I will call My faithful to My refuges when they make this mandatory. Before these authorities start coming to every house to enforce mandatory chips in the body, I will give you My inner locution to come to the nearest refuge for your protection. My angels will protect you on the way to a refuge and while you are at a refuge. You will remain at My refuges throughout the entire tribulation time. You can see how close you are to the tribulation when you see this enforcement of vaccines and chips in your body. Trust in Me to protect you and provide for your needs at all of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing more violence in your streets by the Black Live Matter mob and Antifa in many of your large Democrat cities. Now these mobs are threatening to burn down houses in the suburbs. A man was threatening a Secret Service agent when he told the agent he had a gun. He charged the agent and the agent shot him in the leg. Later, it was revealed that the man did not have a weapon. This was a possible threat originally, but you need to keep praying for the physical protection of your President in his campaign to be re-elected. You have a clear choice in this election between your President who upholds law and order vs. the left leaning Democrats who want to defund the police and support the Black Lives Matter mob. It is time for your people to vote for the person who will stand up for your freedoms and support your Constitution. I am protecting your President from harm for now, but you will soon see another crisis in the fall. Trust in Me to protect My faithful at My refuges.”

Source: ➥